Chapter Fifty-Four

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Chapter Fifty-Four

When we first got back to the pack house from the forest, Nolan was the first to see us. We'd only just made it through the doorway and stripped ourselves of the extra layers, and Nolan took one look at our joined hands and dopey smiles and pieced it together.

"It took you long enough!" He'd exclaimed, rushing forward from the staircase to greet us at the front door. He immediately went in for a hug, and I flinched away on instinct. Nolan's face dropped so quickly, from the excitement seconds before to disappointment. Something about the defeated look on his face was the final straw in my resolve, and I promised myself right then that I wasn't going to let my past determine my future.

"I'm sorry, it was just instinct. It's okay, really." I told him, with what I hoped was a convincing smile. I dropped Turin's hand and took a step towards Nolan to return the hug, but he still looked wary. After a few seconds, and an encouraging nod, he stepped forward and pulled me into a hug.

The usual panic flashed for a moment, but I forced myself to ignore it and relaxed into it. Once Nolan saw that I wasn't freaking out, he let out a little laugh and squeezed me tighter.

"I'm so proud of you, Finley," He mumbled into my ear, "you deserve this. You deserve to be happy."

His words brought tears to my eyes. I knew I was likely to have moments where I'd forget, but in that moment, I believed him. I deserved happiness, love, a future. And I had all of that with the Lonn pack.

"What's going on?" Rory asked, her voice full of suspicion as she walked out of the back office to the sight of her mate and I hugging. Nolan gave me one last squeeze before pulling away and grinning at his mate. She crossed her arms and stuck her bottom lip out in a pout, "where's my hug?"

I rolled my eyes at her childish antics but opened up my arms for another hug. Rory all but squealed and threw herself into my arms. This time there was no moment of panic, only laughter as Rory squeezed the life out of me. I nearly had to remind her of her own strength, but she suddenly pulled away with a gasp.

"Oh my goddess," Rory exclaimed, her eyes darting between me and Turin standing behind me, "you two had sex!"

"Rory, be quiet!" I hissed at he, but my face was burning bright red. Nolan let out a loud laugh, and when I glanced at Turin, I saw him trying to hide his smirk.

"There's no point in hiding it now, I'm sure half the pack already knows." Rory told me with an eyebrow waggle. I frowned and glanced at the other two, unsure how anyone would know. Seeing my confusion, Rory leaned in mock whispered, "you reek of Alpha, babe."

If it was at all possible, I felt my face heat up even further. I was sure I looked like a bright red tomato at this point. I covered my face with my hands and shook my head, immediately feeling the need to go hide.

"I need to go take a shower." I grumbled, narrowing my eyes at Rory as I went to move towards the staircase. Before I could move away, I heard a low growl behind me, and then Turin grabbed my hand.

"No shower," he told me as he pulled me back against his chest. He wrapped his hands around my waist and leaned down to run his nose up the side of my neck as he whispered in my ear, "I like when you smell like me. Then everyone knows you're mine."

I wanted to protest on the principle that I couldn't walk around smelling like sex in the pack house, but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out. Turin's possessive words and the low growl in his chest made my legs feel weak, and suddenly I was glad for him holding me up.

Cillian's possessiveness used to be a point of contention for us, but this was entirely different. I trusted Turin. I knew if I insisted on showering, he wouldn't protest, and he'd respect my wishes. But that also meant I respected his wishes. And I couldn't deny that this specific one made my pulse quicken, and I suddenly felt very hot.

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