Chapter Thirty-Five

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Something warm and soft was wrapped around me. My body shifted, and I felt my hand brush against the fur. It was touching every part of my body, and I started to feel suffocated by the warmth it brought. A panicked breath rose in my throat as I forced my eyes open and took in my surroundings.

I couldn't see much beyond the large being curled around me, but it seemed like I was in a cave of some sort. I heard water dripping nearby, and the ground was hard and cold. I searched my brain for a memory of how I'd ended up there, but everything felt fuzzy and underwater. Why couldn't I remember what happened?

I shifted again, trying to dislodge myself from the sleeping wolf. I wondered if it was a werewolf, based on the size. But I had never seen a werewolf act so...tame. Usually they were much more animalistic and feral in their wolf forms. Besides, if a werewolf had gotten a hold of me, I would certainly be back with Howard or Cillian. Perhaps it was just a peculiar wolf.

It looked peaceful as it slept soundly, but I was afraid to breathe wrong and wake it up. But still, my body was stiff, and I ached to stretch my muscles and get up from the stone floor. So I continued my slow movements to try and inch out of the wolf's embrace.

After a particularly loud snore, I managed to pull myself away. The wolf stretched in their sleep, instinctively moving to curl around where my body used to be. When it started to realize I was no longer there, I mentally cursed and searched around for an escape.

I still didn't recognize any of my surroundings, but I saw sunlight streaming in several feet away at the mouth of the cave. I made a move to go in that direction, moving on my toes as quietly as I could. It wasn't until I heard a small whimper that I stopped in my tracks.

When I turned back to the wolf, he was wide awake and staring at me. I froze, my heart beating in my chest. Now that it stood at full height, I was positive this was a werewolf, albeit a remarkably calm one. Still, I stopped breathing as I waited for the wolf to make a move.

It wasn't until the wolf whined again and took a step towards me that I noticed his eyes. A bright, icy blue that looked directly through me. A breath fell out of me as memories flashes in my brain. Of me running along the river bed, this werewolf coming out of the dark forest.

I had been convinced he was in my imagination. A hallucination of someone on the brink of death. And yet, there he stood before me, looking very, very real. And my sore muscles and painful movements told me I wasn't dead or dreaming.

"Turin?" I asked after a moment, our eyes still locked in a trance. If it was possible, I swear I saw the wolf break out into a grin. He pounced on me and shoved his wet nose in my face, his tongue spreading a trail of slobber over my face. I jumped at the quick movements, but couldn't help the mangled laugh that escaped as I wiped away the mess.

"Is it really you?" I breathed out, reaching a hand towards the large, blonde wolf. He licked at my offered hand, happily nuzzling his snout into it, "how did you find me?"

The wolf took a step away at my question, suddenly trotting away to the front of the cave. I watched after him, wondering if I was supposed to follow him. When I went to take a step in that direction, he turned back around and shot me a look. Despite his animal features, his eyes were far too human, and I felt like I could hear him speaking to me. Stay here, he told me. And without knowing if I was right, I stayed firmly where I was and watched him disappear.

He was gone barely a minute before a man's silhouette blocked the sunlight streaming into the cave. I squinted to adjust to the shadow he cast over me, watching closely as he moved farther into the cave. My whole body was stiff and sore and tense with anxiety, and it all seemed to melt away when I saw Turin.

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