Chapter Ten

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Bonus Sunday upload because I'm way too excited for this plot and want everyone to get to the juicy parts haha


"Turin, what the hell -" Cillian's voice bellowed as he hurried towards Turin and I with long strides. He was clearly angry, but the way his eyes darted between Turin and I made me unsure who he was mad at.

"Hey, Cillian, it's okay. I'm fine! I fell and Turin found me. He helped me get back." I interjected before he could get too upset with his beta. Cillian's gaze finally settled on me, his anger disappearing slightly and shifting into worry.

I hadn't noticed the difference between the two before, but now I noticed the way his eyebrows crinkled when he glared at my bleeding foot. His mouth parted slightly as he took me in, and his chest rose and fell as he struggled to control his rapid breathing.

Rory's face suddenly appeared next to Cillian, and her eyes ran over Turin carrying me before she landed on my feet. One was still covered in a thick sock, while the other was covered in dried blood and turning a shade of blue from the cold wind. Not a great sight.

"Goddess, Finley. You're the most accident prone human I've ever met." Rory told me with an eye roll. I laughed and shrugged, knowing it wasn't;t exactly untrue.

"How many humans have you met?"

"Touché," Rory laughed, confirming that I was one of the only, if not the only, human she had met. She waved her hand towards the front door, gesturing for us to follow her inside, "come on, I'll get the pack doctor to help fix you right up."

"I should probably get back to pack duties," Turin spoke up, still carrying me against his chest. He looked to Cillian, and the two exchanged a nod before Turin gently passed me off to Cillian's arms. He sent me a small smile as he backed away, heading towards another building on the other side of the clearing I hadn't noticed before, "I'll see you later Finn!"

I felt silly being carried like a little kid, but I didn't mind the warmth that the proximity to Cillian offered. He was a little bigger than Turin, so when he carried me into the house I was wrapped close to his chest, protected from the wind by his arms curling around me.

He was quiet, though I knew it wouldn't last long. His anger would come eventually, and I'd deal with it then. Until then, I decided to revel in the silence while I could, and leaned my head against his chest as I curled into him. I knew that his wolf was calmed by my scent, so I hoped the closeness brought him some comfort.

We stayed silent as we made our way to the pack doctor, who had a small office down one to the hallways on the first floor. Cillian's stiff muscles had relaxed slightly, but his jaw was still clenched. I knew he was angry and wanted to yell, but he was keeping it at bay for now. Rory led us through the hallway, pushing open the wooden door and ushering us inside.

"Look who's back, Doc!" Rory exclaimed with a small chuckle. Cillian rushed me across the small office, placing me on the little bed against the wall. There was a desk opposite the door, and a man with greying hair and thick glasses stood up as we entered. I tried to sit up in the bed and peek over Cillian's shoulder as he walked towards me, but the Alpha pushed me back down.

"Hi Finley, it's nice to see you awake." Doc greeted, coming around to look at me. He had a warm smile, and when his eyes raked over my body looking for wounds I didn't feel threatened like I normally would. His gaze was clinical and full of worry, and nothing else.

"What happened?" He asked as he took a step towards me. Cillian instinctively put himself between Doc and I, but after a pointed look from the older man he stepped back against the wall by Rory. Doc turned back to me, his attention settling on my foot.

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