Chapter Sixteen

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*This chapter contains references to sexual assault. Please read at your own discretion - if you would like to skip you can mostly infer what happens and continue at the next chapter!*


I collapsed onto my small cot at the end of the day. My muscles were sore from hours of peeling potatoes and lugging buckets full of water to and from the kitchen. Luckily, Alpha Howard had told me I didn't have any other tasks after dinner, so I was free to hide out in my "room" for the rest of the night. It was the most privacy and alone time I ever got, despite the small drape that hung between my "room" and Alpha Howard's room.

Despite my plans to read the book Nora had snuck to me, I fell asleep seconds after I made it to my cot. I'm not sure how long I was out, but I was awoken to the sound of loud footsteps in the room. I shifted in bed, but kept my eyes squeezed shut. I knew the footsteps were Alpha Howard, and I didn't want him to think I was awake or he'd try and kiss me again.

The footsteps disappeared for a moment, and I thought he had made it to his bed and gone to sleep. I started to relax a little and drift to sleep again, but my body froze when I felt a hand on my lower back. I was laying on my stomach, my arms tucked underneath my head as a pillow. I didn't move a muscle as fear coursed through my veins, waiting anxiously for the hand to be removed.

"I know you're awake, my little Finley," Alpha Howard teased, his breath hitting my face as he whispered in my ear. His breath reeked of alcohol, and I resisted the urge to gag, "I can hear your heart beating out of your chest."

"Are you scared of me?" He whispered again, his hand trailing further down my back. I gulped, my throat going dry as I racked my brain for how to get out of this. Alpha Howard's hand pulled away, and I almost breathed an audible sigh of relief. My celebration was short lived, because he only pulled away enough to swing his arm back down and slap my butt. I small cry escaped my mouth at the contact, and I couldn't stop myself from attempting to scramble away from him.

"Oh come on, Finley. You know better than that." Alpha Howard growled, easily grabbing me and pulling me back towards him. I continued to struggle against his grip, despite the logical side of my brain yelling at me to stop.

He was right, I did know better than that. Fighting him only made him angrier, and just delayed whatever punishment he had in store. I would never successfully be able to fight him off, but my pride wouldn't let me give in without a fight.

As I kicked a leg towards him, Alpha Howard decided he'd had enough of entertaining my struggling. He let out another annoyed growl before straddling his legs on either side of me, and using his ankles to pin my legs to the cot. He kept my wrists trapped above my head, leaving me completely exposed and defenseless.

I felt tears blur my vision as his eyes raked greedily over my body. He had never once tried to hide the perverted stares he sent my way. He gave me only light, sheer fabrics to wear in the room, which left me constantly on display. It had only gotten worse as I got older, and he seemed to have reached peak levels after I turned twenty a few weeks ago.

"I heard you had some help in the kitchens today," Alpha Howard started, leaning his body close to mine and whispering in my ear. I shuddered at the feel of his breath on my neck, the smell of alcohol overwhelming in the small space. When I didn't response, his grip on my wrists tightened painfully, "something about Lieutenant David helping you carry jugs of water?"

"He was just being nice." I hurried out, my voice shaking as I rushed to defend the werewolf who had offered to help me today. I knew I shouldn't have let him, but I hadn't eaten anything all day, and was sure I would pass out if I had to carry another one. I did my best to make sure no one saw, but someone must have told Alpha Howard.

"Were you alone with him?"

I didn't answer, gulping as I averted my gaze to the wall next to us. Alpha Howard growled again, this time at a dangerously low tone. I opened my mouth to say something, anything to defend myself, but he beat me to it. His hand appeared out of nowhere and backhanded me across the face, sending my head flying in the other direction so fast I got whiplash.

I let out a sob as pain erupted through my face, my right instantly started to swell. Alpha Howard didn't even bother to pin my wrists up as he sat up, and I hated myself for not being able to fight back. I clutched a hand to my face, forcing myself not to cry as I watched for his next movement.

"I've told you the rules time and time again, and yet you still continue to disobey me," Alpha Howard spat at me. I flinched, but stayed silent, "you are mine, Finley. I've given you plenty of time to do it on your own, but you insist on being stubborn. It's time I let you and the rest of this pack know who you belong to."

He'd told me those same words tons of times before, but they meant nothing to me. I know what he wanted them to mean, but it would never be like that, not when he forced everything he ever got from me.

Alpha Howard leaned forward again, pressing a sloppy, drunken kiss to my lips. I managed not to shove him away, but stayed perfectly frozen as he kissed me. I hoped that some forced kisses and a couple of hits would be the extent of his punishment. I was getting used to it - and it wouldn't take him long to tire out and go to his own bed so I could be alone.

My hopes for a quick punishment plummeted when I heard him starting to undo his belt and unbutton his pants. Fear shot through my body, and I pushed against him trying to get him off. He didn't budge at all, and let out a warning growl as he pinned my wrists again and continued to kiss me. He pressed himself closer to me, and I whimpered when I felt something hard push against my hip. A couple of tears escaped my eyes as I realized his intentions.

"I've waited a long time for this, Finley, and I won't have your pathetic crying ruining it." Alpha Howard pulled away to scowl at me, grabbing my face in his hand and roughly squeezing my cheeks as he forced me to look at him. I nodded hurriedly, silently promising not to cry. He huffed and let go, returning his attention to removing clothing.

He kept one hand pinning my wrists above my head as he yanked on the thin t-shirt I was wearing, ripping it in half and falling to my sides. I shivered at the sudden breeze, and he smirked at my bare chest that was left on display. I wiggled my arms, wanting to cover myself, but my wrists were still trapped firmly above me.

Alpha Howard made quick work of removing my shorts in the same manner, before returning to his own pants and pulling them down. He ripped his shirt off as well, and threw them away from the bed before lowering himself back on top of me. He was fully exposed, but I refused to look any lower than his shoulders. He seemed to notice my hesitation, and used his free hand to grab ahold of my face again.

"Like what you see?" He growled in my ear, forcing my head down to look at him as he hovered above me. When I tried to close my eyes, he dug his claws into my cheek and forced my eyes open, "You're going to watch, Finley. You're going to watch as I fuck you like the slut that you are."

I writhed underneath him, kicking and screaming to get him to stop as he positioned himself at my entrance. I begged him to do anything but this, but he was long gone. He seemed to enjoy my struggling, and let out a low laugh as he forced my head back down to watch.

I was mid-sentence pleading with him when he shoved inside of me with no warning. A burning pain erupted inside of me, and I felt myself crumble from within as every part of me gave up. I became detached from my body as he moved into me, each thrust a new level of pain. I stopped struggling and yelling, my body losing all fight as I laid there motionless. I became numb all over, only remembering the nauseating feeling of his hot, sticky breath on my face with each movement.

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