Chapter Eight

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Double upload cause last chapter was hella short haha


It took another hour of tossing and turning to get my brain to turn off and go to sleep. In the end, I decided I wouldn't reject Cillian - at least not yet. He deserved a fair chance before I judged him, so that's what I would give him. Besides, if any of them wanted to hurt me they could easily have done it by now. I think it was fair to trust that I was safe around them and focus on getting to know Cillian.

The next morning, I was woken up by the sun streaming in through the large glass windows. My eyes blinked rapidly as I adjusted to the new light and I let out a low groan. The blanket on top of me was warm and soft and I felt safe underneath it. I wasn't fooled by the sun trying to lure me out of bed, and I stubbornly pulled the covers up to my neck and rolled to my other side away from the windows.

"Good morning," Cillian's deep voice made my heart jump in my chest. I saw him sitting in the armchair facing the bed, his ankle crossed over his leg as he watched me. He quirked an eyebrow in the air as he spoke, "I take it you're not a morning person?"

"Not at all," I grumbled, not making any attempts to move from the blanket cocoon I had found myself in. I frowned as I realized he was watching me sleep, "what are you doing in here?"

"This is my room, Finley."

"Oh," I said, my face heating up at his response. Between the mens clothing in the wardrobe, and the shaving products in the bathroom, it made sense. Plus, I was positive Cillian would never let me sleep in anyone else's room. I realized how dumb my question had been, and suddenly felt guilty for invading his space, "I'm sorry."

I moved to pull the comforter off of my body, pushing myself up in the bed. I shivered at the rush of cold air, but tried to ignore it. I didn't know where I planned to go, but I didn't want to intrude in Cillian's space. He made me nervous enough as is, and him being irritated with me wouldn't help anything.

"Don't leave." Cillian said, and was up and out of the chair before I could move any further. He crossed the room even faster than Rory had, suddenly appearing next to me. He grabbed the edge of the blanket, pushing it towards me and urging me to lay back down.

"Cillian..." I started, my thoughts becoming cloudy as his hand hovered near my own. I was suddenly very aware that I was in his bed wearing only a light tank top, and the way his eyes scanned me told me he knew as well. I needed to leave.

"Don't leave, Finley," Cillian interrupted me, his voice falling quiet as he looked at me. His usually dark eyes were almost amber colored when his eyes met mine, and I felt transfixed by the color. He dropped the edge of the blanket, his hand moving to grasp mine, "Please stay. I want you to stay."

"Okay." I answered far too quickly, Cillian's sudden vulnerability breaking down any resolve or logic I had left in me. I let him gently push me back down onto the bed, my eyes fixed on him as he pulled the comforter back over me and tucked it around me. My body relaxed as the cold air disappeared, and I snuggled further under the blanket.

When Cillian went to move back to his spot on the couch, I shot my hand out from underneath the covers and grabbed his hand. He stopped moving, turning around slowly to look at me with confusion on his face.

"If I have to stay then so do you." I told him with a small smile, nodding my head towards the empty side of the bed. I was sure he hadn't slept in his own bed in at least two nights, and I wasn't positive Cillian had slept at all based on the bags under his eyes. Even if he didn't want to sleep, the bed was far more comfortable than the armchair that his large frame barely fit in.

"Okay." Cillian finally said, letting me pull him back to the bed. He climbed over my legs, plopping down on the other side of me. I couldn't help but smile as I watched him settle onto the bed. He looked like a little kid, and not at all like the scary, three hundred year old werewolf that he was.

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