Chapter Fifty-One

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Chapter Fifty-One

By some stroke of luck, Nolan happened to be up when I arrived at his front door. He heard me coming and opened the door before I could knock. He didn't ask any questions, just ushered me inside and told me I was welcome anytime.

We were both exhausted at this point and agreed it would be best to talk in the morning. Their guest room was still mid-transformation into a nursery, which meant there was still the same bed I had spent the night on all those weeks ago. Nolan helped me make up the bed, and then we parted ways to get a few more hours of sleep before the sun came up.

Unfortunately, my sleep wasn't very restful and was full of more nightmares. I woke up drenched in sweat and out of breath, and the sun was only just peeking through the curtains. Luckily, I didn't have to be a werewolf to smell the bacon cooking. My stomach growled at the smell, and I didn't waste any time getting up and heading out to the kitchen.

"Finley!" Rory jumped up from the table when she saw me. She took a step towards me, the same way I'd seen Turin act the night before. I knew she had intended to in for a hug, but stopped herself and kept talking, "Nolan said you showed up in the middle of the night, and then Turin checked in this morning and asked us if you were okay. What's going on?"

"I'm alright, you can tell Turin everything's fine." I answered with a huff, annoyed that Turin felt the need to check in on me. I often wished I was a werewolf just so I could be part of this pack link they all had.

"So, what happened?" Rory pushed, narrowing her eyes as if she doubted my response. I shifted on my feet at the entrance to the kitchen, looking down as I thought about how to explain what happened. I couldn't help but glance towards Nolan who had his back to me at the stove. Turin was his best friend and Alpha; would he be okay with me talking this openly about my relationship with Turin?

"Oh, do you want to talk about it alone?" Rory lowered her voice when she noticed me glancing at Nolan, but it wasn't nearly quiet enough for him to miss it. He turned away from the stove and raised his eyebrows in the air.

"I can leave, Finley, seriously. I don't want to make you uncomfortable." He offered, already setting down his spatula and moving to take off his apron. I felt my cheeks heat up at the idea of kicking him out of his own kitchen while he was making breakfast.

"No, no, don't be silly, I'm not kicking you out," I protested, stepping further into the room to wave at him to stop trying to leave, "besides, it might be good to have your opinion on this too. I just wasn't sure if you'd want to get involved."

"Oh of course he wants to be involved. He loves gossip as much as I do, he's just more subtle about it." Rory answered for him with a teasing laugh. Nolan only shrugged his shoulders, neither confirming nor denying her accusations. I laughed at them and took the spot across from Rory at the kitchen table, while Nolan went back to preparing the eggs and bacon.

"So..." Rory prompted after a moment of silence had passed. She waved a hand towards me, urging me to get to talking, "what happened?"

"Um...well last night I had this terrible nightmare and Turin had to wake me up and calm me down. I started apologizing for waking him up and being such a mess recently, and I was rambling and he...well he, uh, he ended up telling me he was in love with me."

After I finished recounting the short summary of the previous night's events, I had expected some sort of reaction from Rory or Nolan. However, both seemed completed unphased, and were waiting eagerly for the next part of the story. When I didn't continue and looked at them in confusion, Rory had a look of understanding cross her face and she spoke up.

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