Chapter Twenty-Nine

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As soon as Cillian and I made it a few feet from the house, I started to regret going with him. The dress I was wearing had long sleeves, but it was by no means warm enough for going out in the snow. I only made it a few steps before I was a shivering mess.

"Here." Cillian told me once he noticed. He slipped off the tan suit coat he was wearing over his button down, draping it over my shoulders. It fell past my dress and blocked a lot of the wind chill. I snuggled into the warm material, and pressed myself closer to him as we walked.

We didn't say anything as we walked. I was still shivering underneath his coat, and couldn't work up the energy to open my mouth and fill the silence. Cillian wrapped his arm tightly around my shoulders, rubbing my arm as we followed the path through the pack grounds and enjoyed the quiet night.

We passed Nolan and Rory's house, and several other empty houses along the way. There was a big open field they used for training, with random equipment scattered around. A large shed sat on the other end of it, where they stored the rest of their training equipment.

Turin and I had walked around the area several times, but we usually didn't go past the training grounds. There was only two other buildings on the other side of the field, and he said they were both empty, so we usually turned back around. This time, Cillian led us past the training grounds and headed towards one of the buildings.

"Why are we here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him when he came to a stop in front of one of the house. It had a similar style to Rory and Nolan's, but it was bigger. The porch wrapped around the side, and it had a second story peeking down at us. It didn't have the potted plants and homey accents that Rory added, but I knew this one was empty.

"This is our new home."

I snapped my head up at Cillian's words. My mouth fell open in shock as I looked between him and the house. His face lit up at my reaction, and he was practically giddy with excitement.

"Are you serious?" I asked after I was able to form words. I tore my eyes away from the beautiful house, looking up at Cillian to se if he was messing with me. He just nodded enthusiastically, and I stared at him dumbfounded, "why?"

"This house was built for me to share with my mate one day. When we met, I thought you'd be more comfortable in the pack house," Cillian explained, turning his body so he was facing me, "but I wanted to do something for you, and I thought it would be good for us to have a space of our own."

"Wow..." I breathed, unable to form a thought as I processed the grand gesture. I had been so worried about him wanting to have sex, the idea of him getting us a house hadn't even crossed my mind. But now that it was here, I couldn't hold back my excitement at having our own space.

"Can we go inside?" I asked eagerly, a grin finally spreading across my face. I bounced on the balls of my feet in anticipation, and Cillian laughed loudly at me.

"Of course." He told me, gesturing towards the door. I raced towards the steps and threw open the door the second he answered, eager to see the inside and escape the cold.

"Rory helped me get it ready," Cillian said behind me, shutting the door as I stepped into the large space. He came up behind me and wrapped his arms a round my waist, "she said you'd want to decorate yourself, but she got most of the basics."

The house looked similar to Rory's on the outside, but the inside was completely different. The first floor was entirely open, and the front door opened up into a large living room. To the side of the door was a staircase to with cast iron railing leading up to the second floor. The living room had simple, light couches all facing towards the fireplace on the far wall. There was already a fire going, which made the house feel warm and welcoming.

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