Chapter Twenty One

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Turin's POV

It took all my effort to pay attention to the conversation and not Finn's arm looped in mine. I know she didn't mean anything by the action, but it still had my stomach in knots.

"I'm sorry your mate is a dickhead." Rory told Finn with a sigh. The human just hummed and offered a small shrug. She was trying to play it off and pretend she wasn't upset, but we could see how disappointed she was.

"Did you two ever get a chance to talk after the other night?" Nolan asked after a moment. I looked up at him in confusion and saw him staring at Finn with worried eyes. What had happened the other night?

"A little." Finn answered, offering no other information. We all saw the face she made as she recalled talking to Cillian, but she quickly hid it. We pretended we didn't notice and didn't push her to say more.

"What happened the other night?" I asked Finn after a moment, my voice quiet. Whatever it was seemed pretty serious, but I hadn't heard anything about it.

"Oh you haven't told him?" Nolan asked in a rush, looking to Finn with a frown, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring it up."

I immediately felt angry that everyone else seemed to know but me. Part of me wanted to be mad at Nolan or Rory for not filling me in, but I knew they wouldn't go behind Finn's back.

"No, it's okay," Finn quickly told Nolan with a smile. Then she turned her head towards me, "I wanted to tell you, I just haven't seen you in the past couple of days..."

I felt my heart sink at the slight sadness in her voice. Maybe it was in my head, but she sounded like she missed me.

I missed her too.

"What happened?" I asked her softly, almost afraid to hear the answer. Finn let out a heavy sigh before launching into her story. She spoke quickly, as if she wanted to get it over with.

As I listened intently to what she told me, the sinking feeling in my chest got deeper and deeper. I had spent the last two days selfishly avoiding her while she was going through all of this pain. I knew she wasn't alone - she had Rory and Nolan. But Cillian had been gone just as much as me, and a part of me knew he wouldn't be able to help her in the way she needed.

Cillian had never been a very emotional person, and he especially didn't know how to communicate his emotions. He had spent the last three hundred years worrying about himself or the pack - neither of which involved caring about another person's feelings.

When Finn finished recounting the story and fell silent, my head was a mess of emotions. I was angry, so angry. I was angry at Howard for everything he'd done, and hated that she had to deal with it all on her until she escaped. But I forced myself not to show her that anger. She didn't need me to be angry right now, she needed me to be a friend.

I felt so much admiration for her. I know she thought she was weak, being the only human constantly surrounded by werewolves. But she was easily the strongest person I've ever met, and I loved her fiery attitude and resilience.

As I watched Finn move to look up at me, I wasn't sure what I could say to make anything better. Nothing could change what had happened, and nothing I could say would make it any better. So I stayed quiet, and instead pulled my arm out of grasp. I turned to face her, and then moved my arm around her shoulders and pulled her into my chest.

Finn seemed a little confused by the action, but after a moment she hugged me back. She wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed, and I could tell how much she needed that hug. I ignored the twisting in my stomach as she touched me, and the urge I had to lift her into my lap. This wasn't about me.

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