Chapter 1: Christmas with the Tylers

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Warning: death scene and mention of blood within this chapter


Laughter and cheer could be heard coming from the dining room. A Christmas cracker popped loudly, creating an echo down the hallway of the small flat, and even more laughter followed. Dishes clinked and clanked as a family enjoyed their holiday dinner together. All was calm and peaceful. All merry on the wonderfully happy day.

This was all Wanda heard and felt as she appeared from the white light into the wrecked bedroom of the Tyler flat. She lay on the ground, struggling with each breath as her lung continued to fill up with blood. Some of which trailed out of her mouth as she gasped out in a rasping breath. Clutching at her chest, she felt even more blood flow out onto her clothes and onto the carpet below her. Much of it spread out in a pool of red. Her mind and body was struggling past the shock. There was no wonderful feeling of warmth like her last death. There was only agony.

Struggling, she managed to roll over on her side. She blinked away the hazy from her eyes as her vision began to fade. Her other heart pounded away in panic. It was erratic. She knew if she did not try to calm herself down, it would soon give out. She tried to breathe in and out slowly, but was failing. Her breath as lost to her. Another pop of a cracker was heard. People were laughing away happily, completely unaware of her presence in the other room.

Wanda grasped at the carpet with a shaking hand, trying to pull herself to the doorway. But it was useless. Her fingers had gone numb and cold. Her muscles were not functioning properly as her whole body shook and trembled in her growing death. She was nothing more than dead weight now. Spurting out more blood, she struggled to intake some air. Trying to at least use her voice to save herself.

"H-he-el-l-lp," she rasped out in a hoarse voice, trying to call to the people out in the dining room. But she barely even made a sound. The blood in her throat (more of which she gurgled out) made it impossible to truly make a strong voice. However, she pushed through and tried again. "D-Doc-to-r-r." Nothing. Even if she were loud enough, they would still not hear her over the laughter and the telly.

She was going to die. Die in the room right next to them, and they would never know. They might find her later, but by then she would long be dead. Be nothing more than a stiff, cold, empty body. . . No. She could not let that happen. Not after everything she and the Doctor had been through. After everything they had done, all the love they had gained and lost. She was not going to just let herself die here, dammit. There had to be another way to gain their attention.

Fumbling around weakly in one of her cargo pant pockets, she prayed that it would actually be there at the ready. Feeling gleeful to finding it, shakily she pulled out her sonic. Pointing it at the doorway and making it go off, it buzzed and pulsed. But it was not loud enough for them to hear. Wheezing out in her breathing now, she focused her mind on the device. Point and think. That was what Eleven always said. Point and think. All she could think was to call the Doctor.

"Hold on. My sonic's going off," she heard the Doctor say. The dishes clanked some more as the others grew quiet. Wanda focused her mind, concentrating on getting his sonic to response. "Something's calling it."

"What is it, Doctor?" Wanda heard Rose ask curiously.

"It's not them aliens, is it?" questioned Mickey, sounding nervous.

"Oh, please don't say they've sent another Christmas tree," complained Jackie.

"No. No, it's something else," noted the Doctor. "Hang on, let me just . . . get a fix on the signal."

"Wait . . . Don't you hear that?" Rose spoke up, making them all go silent. "Mickey, turn the telly off." The news report shut off, making everything go still and hushed. Wanda pressed on her sonic, making the pulsing increase. "That sounds like—."

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