Chapter 31: A Twisted Mind

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Then, after a few moments of Alpha being gone, everyone sort of erupted into worried babbling.

"That's it. I'm sorry, but we need to get back to our world," Pete said to the others, trying to get everyone turned around and back to a safer place. "This world was already sunk, and clearly it was going down even more with that girl on the loose. God forbid if she tried getting back through the Breach."

"I agree. Time to abandon ship," Jake added in, beginning to follow his fellows back towards the inner building of Torchwood.

"I don't understand, what happened to Wanda? What's going on?" Jackie spoke up, completely baffled and lost to what was happening to the Time Lady.

"I think she lost it," Mickey muttered to the mother. "The Daleks and Cybermen made her snap."

"She hasn't lost it, Mickey," Rose argued in defense of Wanda. "That wasn't even her. You heard what happened. That was that . . . that thing that took over Wanda." Pete suddenly walked over to Jackie who had been about to question Rose on the circumstances that had occurred down in the lower levels of Torchwood. He grabbed the mother's hand, placing a yellow disc into her palm.

"Jacks, take this. You're coming with us," Pete instructed the woman. Jackie blinked in shock and surprise.

"What? I can't leave now," Jackie argued, pointing out towards the city. "Those Cybermen are hurting people, and I need to be here for my daughter and her friends. What if they get hurt, too?"

"I'd forgotten you could argue," Pete responded, giving the woman a fond smile. He grabbed the yellow disc back and placed the long chain it had around Jackie's neck. "Look, we tried the best we could in stopping the Cybermen, and now with that raging girl on the loose, this world's going to crash and burn. There's nothing we can do. But there's another world just waiting for you, Jacks. And it's safe as long as the Doctor closes the Breach."

"You're not taking my mother anywhere," Rose suddenly argued, reaching forward and yanking off the device from her mother. She then shoved the yellow disc back into Pete's hand, giving him a stern look. "You're not leaving, either. Not until we've gotten Wanda back."

"We found the girl like the Doctor wanted, but you heard what she said. She doesn't want to be found," Pete retorted. "She's a raving lunatic."

"Don't you say that about her!" snapped Rose. "And I know the Doctor. He won't do anything for you as long as Wanda is in danger. Right, Doctor?" She turned, blinking when seeing the Time Lord was now crouching on the ground, gripping at his head. "Doctor?"

The Doctor did not hear any of them as he merely felt almost panicked. Like someone had forced him to become greatly unbalanced and unnerved. Similar emotions that he had experienced and fought against after the Time War swept over him. It was his Ninth self all over again as he did not see his surroundings at all. Only the visions in his head. The images of seeing Wanda staring at him in fear played through his mind over and over again. He watched himself reaching out to her, only wishing to comfort her and hold her close. But then she would turn and flee, leaving him there screaming her name in desperation. Pleading for her to come back and not be afraid of him. But she was too far away. He could not reach her. She vanished from his life . . . forever.

"Doctor, snap out of it!"

He blinked when he felt someone giving his face a sharp smack. Staring to see Rose crouched down right in front of him and pulling his hands away from his head. He could only wonder when he had gotten on the ground.

"Come on. Pull yourself together," Rose ordered, pulling him up to stand next to her.

"Sorry," muttered the Doctor, rubbing a hand over his face as he tired riding himself of those damn images. Slowly moving his hand face his face, he saw how edgy everyone was. Each of them held an expression of high anxiety and worriment.

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