Chapter 49: A Wanderer's World

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I'm sorry if the next two chapters are a little confusing. :-)


Bright and cheerful laughter was made by Amy, Rory, and Brian around the dinner table. All of them were listening merrily to the bow tie loving Doctor as he made wild gestures in the air, telling them all a story of one of his and Wanda's many adventures. A Wanda from the far future in her timeline. Not as giggly as she had been during the beginnings of her Third face. But still just as loving as ever. Currently, they all sat around the kitchen table in Amy and Rory's home, celebrating after the success of stopping the Shakri from wiping out all humans on the Earth. The Doctor, after finishing his delightful story, glanced at his watch. He hurriedly took another bite of his food and sipped on his drink.

"Forgive me. I'd better get going. Things to do. Worlds to save, swings to . . . swing on," he apologized to the group for leaving so suddenly. But, since Wanda had left, there was no real reason for him to stay put in one place. After all, he needed to make certain Wanda did not appear anywhere else out there without him there to protect her. He bounced up from the table, missing the disappointed look that Amy and Rory gave him.

Just then, before anyone could say anything else, there was a crashing sound and bright light that appeared outside where the TARDIS was parked. The Doctor paused in mid-step, and the next thing anyone knew, River came bolting inside the house. The woman, with hair as wild as ever, wearing a white jumper and jeans that appeared to have been just thrown onto her, panted as she stopped right before the shocked Doctor.

"Have you gotten it, too?!" River asked in a panic.

The Doctor blinked, replying, "Hello, River. To what do I owe the pleasure?" River's expression hardened as she suddenly slapped him.

"Stop with the games! This is serious!" she yelled. Amy and Rory, getting out of their shock in seeing their daughter there (nervous by Brian being around since he was never told about his strange granddaughter), stood up to address the panicking woman.

"Melody, what's wrong?" Amy asked the woman, concerned by her daughter's clear distress. While Amy and Rory looked over their daughter with worry, the Doctor grumbled under his breath, pouting at the group and rubbing at his cheek.

"She's mad as ever. That's what's wrong," the Time Lord complained, earning himself a shush from the others. River stuffed a hand into a pocket, pulling out a crumpled letter.

"I received this in my cell. Just a few minutes ago. It has no sender. No address. Just a white piece of paper with one line," River explained to them quickly, unfolding them to see the writing.

The Wanderer's end draws near.

At the exact moment they finished reading the note, Amy and Rory's mobile phones went off. They pulled out their mobile's in bewilderment, seeing that they received a text. Then, upon seeing what the text said, they were stunned.

"Doctor, look," Amy said, handing the Time Lord her phone. The Doctor stared at it in shock, reading the same thing that River's note said.

"What does it mean?" Rory questioned. "Is it talking about Wanda?" Opening and closing his mouth for a moment, the Doctor frowned and shook his head.

"Nah, it—it couldn't be," he tried dismissing, though in the back of his mind, he knew better.

"Who else could it be about, then?" retorted River crossly. Just then, Rory's mobile started ringing. He answered it quickly, his brow furrowing in an instant.

"Uh, yeah, sure, thanks," he mumbled to the person on the line before hanging up and starting towards the lounge.

"What is it, Rory?" Amy asked, following along after him with the Doctor and River trailing not too far behind.

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