Chapter 41: Singing Doctor

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A crash of thunder sounded, startling Wanda awake. She sat up with a jolt, blinking away the hazy from her eyes as the ship groaned, rocking in the wake of a raging storm outside. The barrels around her tumbled and rolled around within the room, and she found shockingly that she was all alone. Immediately, she realized the Doctor must have left her asleep, hoping to keep her away from the dangerous storm and the Siren. Growing frustrated, she stood up, wobbling out of the room as quick as possible to get up on deck to help the others in battling the storm. She was not simply going to sit back while everyone else was in danger from the fuming waters outside.

It took only seconds for her to be drenched from the howling rain on deck. She tried seeing where everyone was through the dense downpour. From what she could tell, Avery was shouting orders to everyone while Toby was trying to gather up a few things for his father. The Doctor (who had back on his tweed blazer) was either hoisting up sails or steering the ship the best he could, trying to keep things steady for everyone. While the two companions (Rory and Amy) were raising up the rest of the sails where Avery pointed them to. Wanda immediately went to the two companions, needing to get to Rory before anything else.

"Wanda! You're supposed to be downstairs!" Amy shouted over the roaring winds and waves as both she and Rory were shocked to see her up on deck. The Doctor had said she was meant to stay put down there. For safety, of course. Which both companions had agreed upon in knowing that a dangerous storm would be no place for her. But Wanda merely rolled her eyes, ignoring as both companions were beginning to scold her for being up there with them.

"Look, I just need to do something before anything else," she told them, yelling over the winds as well. She grabbed a nearby loose rope, tying it around a beam on the ship before wrapping it around Rory's waist, keeping him locked onto the ship.

"Can I ask why you're tying me up?" the man questioned her, very much at a loss on what she was doing.

"Keeping you safe," Wanda replied, pointing a stern finger at him when he tried getting the rope off. "Don't touch it. Amy, watch him like a hawk. Don't let him go anywhere until the Doctor says so." Before either companion could ask what the blonde meant, she turned and walked away, going back towards the hull of the ship. That took care of Rory drowning. Now all she needed to do was—

Over the raging storm. Over the howling winds, crashing waves, and a downpour of rain, there was a loud clang. The sound of metal of some kind made a noise across the wooden deck, making everyone turn their attention on where the sound was coming from. The storm slowed down somewhat as even it too held its breath, watching the large golden crown with jewels roll down the deck where Toby had dropped it. Where it had fallen out of Avery's coat, the place he had hidden it in hopes of keeping at least one piece of gold. His greed outweighing the need to protect his son and others from the Siren's curse. Then, when the crown came to a stop, it bumped right into a pair mary jane shoes.

The Doctor at the ship's wheel tensed as he saw the golden crown rest at Wanda's feet. His eyes went wide, dreading in her being there. He had left her down below in hopes of protecting her. And now . . . Wanda looked up slowly, seeing how everyone stared at her, eyes yelling in warning, as the portal to the Siren sat right at her feet. Jerking away from the ship's wheel, the Doctor began hurriedly moving towards her the moment the Siren flew out of the crown. The green mist woman hovered right in front of the Time Lady, holding out a hand to the blonde. Wanda smiled, in a daze as she reached her hand out as well.

"WANDA, NO!" the Doctor shouted a second too late as the Time Lady already touched the singing Siren, disappearing in a cloud of black smoke, not even screaming like all the others had when vanishing. He stood stock still after that. Feeling the air leave him as all he could do was stare at the Siren in horror. The creature had taken Wanda away. Taken away his wife . . . right before his eyes.

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