Chapter 18: Amy Onboard

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Amelia Pond was sleeping soundly in her bed. Not once did she wake up for the rather loud whooshing nose from outside. Nor did she stir from the creak of her door being pushed open. What did slowly wake her was a light tickling on her nose. Scrunching her face, she tried batting away whatever was trying to tickle her, but it remained persistent in raising her from her slumber. She blinked slowly as she tried clearing her vision to see what exactly was trying to get her awake. What she saw was the beaming and very close face of the Wanderer. Amy let out a startled scream, leaping away from the blonde girl. Wanda burst out in laughter, clutching at her stomach from the funny reaction of the ginger.

"That wasn't funny!" Amy exclaimed angrily, throwing a pillow at the blonde girl. She noticed how the Time Lady was now wearing different clothing than the last time she had seen her. Wearing a blue tunic, brown capris, and white Mary Janes, it made Amy shake her head at the strange fashion choice.

"Nah, you're right. It was hilarious," Wanda chortled, ducking as Amy threw another pillow at her once more.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Amy demanded in question.

"Picking you up of course," Wanda replied easily, grinning. "I promised you two years, didn't I?"

Amy blinked dumbly for a moment. "What?" Her eyes travelled to the calendar on her wall, then widened when realizing what night it was. All the x's on the past dates and the one large circle around today made her remember what she had been anticipating. Then her annoyance spiked up once more. "And you decided the best way to announce your arrival was by giving me a heart attack?"

"Oh, well, um . . . I just wanted to give you a laugh." Wanda gave a sheepish smile, then bounced up from the bed. She remembered how much River had made her laugh by doing the same thing over the years. Wanda assumed that Amy might like to be woken up the same way. Perhaps not everyone appreciated that sort of wakeup call. "So, you ready for the next adventure? The Doctor's waiting outside for us."

"He's here? Now?" Amy looked like a mixture of alarmed, embarrassed, and elated in hearing the Doctor was back. Not that she did not appreciate Wanda being here again, it was just, well . . . it was the Doctor.

"Yep, he's waiting by the TARDIS in the backyard." Wanda pointed to the window for Amy to look if she wished to.

Instantly, Amy was by the window, gazing down to see the gleaming TARDIS, as blue as ever, lighting up the night. Stepping away from the window, Amy seemed to hurriedly adjust her nightie as if ready to look presentable for the Doctor when she saw him. She had been thinking a lot about the Doctor and the Wanderer since they had left two years. Especially the Doctor. He had been popping up in her mind even more often than usual lately. For certain reasons that were actually supposed to occur tomorrow. Amy's face flushed as she still felt uncertain and embarrassed in thinking what she would be doing in the morning tomorrow. The rustling of clothing was heard, making Amy turn around to see Wanda messing with the wedding dress hanging on the cupboard.

"Lovely wedding dress. I bet this will look amazing on you," Wanda commented, ignoring the shocked noise Amy had made and how the ginger girl had pushed her away from the dress.

"It's not a wedding dress. It's just—a costume for my kissogram job," Amy said hastily, trying to bypass discussing the upcoming event at all costs.

"There's no reason to be embarrassed, Amy. You're just getting married," Wanda replied, bouncing to sit on the bed. She smiled brightly at the girl, understanding just how anxious she must be feeling. Wanda knew exactly how unnerving the idea of marrying, tying one's life to another, could be. But once the wedding starts to actually take place, all the nerves and anxiety just rush out the window as one realizes just how perfect the person they were marrying truly was.

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