Chapter 5: The Ghosts of Christmas

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It was only just after Wanda picked up a new outfit from the TARDIS wardrobe did she suddenly feel the warmth and saw the white light around her body. Jumping away from Ten and Rose's time, she appeared right back in the wardrobe room. She hummed somewhat, trying to think of where she might be now. Giving a onceover in the mirror to the new (and better, in her opinion) outfit, she spun around to enjoy the maroon overcoat that she had picked out. As well as the light, green tunic which hung longer in the back than it did the front, but still big on her that made it more of a short dress. She wondered if all shirts were going to look like small dresses on her now. Well, even though she did not mind the dress style, she was still going to wear something underneath for cover. She still did not like too much exposure, so she kept on her brown capris. Slipping back on her Merry Janes and tying back on a green ribbon into a bow in her hair (this time making it so it was a bow for a ponytail), Wanda skipped out of the wardrobe.

She took notice of the quiet and gloomy corridors, making her wonder if she was during Nine's time. The TARDIS was always ever so solemn during his reign. Mostly because Nine himself had a rather grim taste on things. So Sexy herself kept things dimmer to please her Thief. Wanda knew, though, that things would become much brighter and more cheerful down the road for Nine as he grew more into simply enjoying the universe once again.

Speaking of Nine, where was he? Wanda really wanted to see him again. She missed her Fantastic Doctor. It had been ages. She wondered if he was in another mood of his, or if, possibly, it might be during his later time when he had been more relaxed about things. Of course, this had been only with Second her, and she remembered how much he complained about Third her. It made her wonder for a moment if the Doctor, all Doctors, might not like this third incarnation as much as her Second self. Of course, the Doctor had been rather attached to her Second self since that had been the incarnation with him since the Time War. So, most likely chances that-no wait, there he was!

Wanda beamed brightly as she saw Nine walking stiffly towards the control room. Jogging forward, she jumped up and wrapped her arms around his shoulders in a cheerful hug. Kicking her legs out in the air behind her as she hung off his back.

"Nine! I've missed you!" she giggled brightly. Then on a second thought, she realized jumping up to give him a surprise hug might have not been the best thing. It seemed this new her was just as bad as her other incarnations on acting without thinking. Maybe even worse because of her hyper mind. Either way, Nine was not happy in being surprised in such a way.

"Get off me!" he yelled, throwing her off of him and onto the ground. She pouted, mentally scolding herself for not thinking that action through. She probably should have just said 'hello,' but this body just wanted to hug everyone who was precious to her. Much more affectionate than her earlier incarnations. Especially her First self. Young Wanda could hardly stand to hug someone most of the time, mostly because of her timidity. And Second Wanda was more open on hugs, but did still not give them out much. And-oh, the Doctor was talking.

"Who the hell are you?" he growled at her. Wanda bounced back up, brushing her capris as if dusting herself off.

"Wanda. The Wanderer. Blondie. Shorty. Anything you'd like to call me, really," she answered lightly. "Just don't call me a child. I mean, just because I'm short does not mean I'm a child. I am ninety-eight years old. I think I count as an adult by now. Though, technically, by Time Lord standards, I still do classify as a child I suppose."

"Wanda?" he questioned, raising a skeptical brow. Looking her up and down, he seemed to study her for a second as if wondering what sort of anomaly she was. It made her feel awkward with his searching eyes, as if she were an art piece or freak show. She crossed her arms, furrowing her brows.

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