Chapter 15: Cravings

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They had just rounded the corner and saw Billy leaning on a wall down the alleyway when the warmth and white light surrounded Wanda. She trailed behind, letting the Doctor and Martha go towards the disoriented man. He was going to get a shock enough in finding out what the Angels had done to him. Best not scare Billy with her suddenly disappearing in a white light. She closed her eyes as the white light consumed her vision, making it impossible to see anything. Then, as she felt herself jump away and appear somewhere new, she let out a startled scream and fell on her knees as the world around her rocked violently.

Wanda stared up in shock to see she had arrived to TARDIS control room. And it was in chaos. There were sparks flying everywhere with fires starting all around the room. The coral pillars came crashing down, barely missing her as they crumbled onto the grated flooring. She rolled over out of the way just in time, in fact, when the one pillar had tumbled over onto the console. The whole placed groaned and creaked as the TARDIS tried to remain stabilized. But it was no good as something seemed to simply destroy the room to bits and wreak havoc. It was not until the golden light which had been filling the room dimmed that Wanda finally noticed the source of the bursting and destructive energy.

It was the Doctor. A newly regenerated Eleven to be specific. She watched as he stumbled a little on his feet as the TARDIS rocked about in flight, still sparking and falling apart like before. A sharp pang went through Wanda as she saw the disorientated Eleven wobble about, blinking rapidly to clear his vision. The Doctor . . . he had regenerated. It was another moment where he had changed faces . . . and she had not been there for him. She had not been there for Nine when he changed to Ten. And now it had happened again. Ten, the one incarnation who so desperately did not wish to leave, had been all alone when he had gone. He did not even have a companion with him to help him through the change like Rose had done for Nine. Ten, who she had been with only moments ago, was now gone forever. Wanda sucked in a deep breath and let her woe and guilt leave her, keeping her mind focus on the new incarnation who needed her now. She smiled brightly, letting her giddy nature pick up in excitement in seeing Eleven again. Oh, how she had missed him. Far too long had they been apart. But now, she was here alongside him and they could have another adventure together.

"Legs!" Eleven suddenly exclaimed. Wanda watched and giggled as he looked down and grabbed onto one of his legs, hoping a small bit to keep his balance as he admired his new legs. "I've still got legs! Good." He gave the one leg a kiss, letting it go as he examined the rest of himself. "Arms, hands! Ooh, fingers! Lots of fingers! Ears, yes. Eyes, too. Nose. I've had worse. Chin. Blimey! Wanda was never kidding!" He tapped at his chin, noticing how large it was.

He then began tugging on his hair, eyes going wide in feeling how much longer it was than his last body's. "Hair. I'm a girl!" Wanda snorted as the Doctor's voice went high-pitched for a moment. He then started to pat at his neck to check for his Adam's apple. "No! No! I'm not a girl. No."

"Well, if you were a girl, that might just complicate things a bit," Wanda spoke up, gaining the Doctor's attention. She stood up on unsteady legs, holding onto the side of the console to keep her balance. "Then again, it might also make things become really interesting." She gave him a sly wink. The Doctor blinked blankly at her for a moment before the biggest, boyish grin appeared on his face.

"Wanda!" He bounced over the best he could to her, stumbling right into her as the ship around them rocked. She blinked in surprise as he suddenly pushed himself flush against her and kissed her hard. He continued to kiss her repeatedly; pulling away and then pushing forward again with very quick and light pecks as he spoke. "Lips! Lips, still got lips. Great lips! No, wait!" He pulled back to grab some of his dark hair and examine it. His face gave a disgruntled expression. "And still not ginger."

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