Chapter 40: The Siren's Curse

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Wanda spurted and coughed as she reached the surface of the large body of water she had appeared in. She blinked around, trying to gain back her senses of where the heck she had arrived to now. Once her vision cleared of the normal white spots of travelling, she saw she had wandered into the ocean in the dark of night. A completely still, silent, and quiet ocean. Oh, how lucky she was to wander into the middle of the ocean. Cold ocean. Really cold. Okay, any other time she would not have mind swimming around, even in cold waters. But this time she feared the coldness might not be so good for the baby. Best get to dry land and fast.

Beginning to swim, she made fast way towards a distant dark shape that sat on the waters. As she drew closer she saw that it was a 17th-century ship pirate ship. Big sails. All kinds of ropes dangling around. And the name of the ship, Fancy, was painted in gold lettering on the side. She heard shouting and a struggle of sorts going on the deck up top. All she could do was float there by the side of the ship, wondering what the heck was going on. Frowning, she wondered if she should look into a possibility real quick to see where she was at. Soon, the noise above her stopped. Everything went very quiet once more.

"Hello! Permission to come aboard?! Am I saying that right? That is the right term, isn't it?!" she yelled to whoever was on the ship. "Yo-Ho! No, no, no one really says that. Well, maybe the Doctor, but he's a different case. But, no, seriously, can you let me up?! It's freezing in the water!"

"It's the demon!" a man above shouted in fear. She guessed that it must be one of the pirates of the ship.

"Don't be stupid. She's never spoken before," retorted another voice. Another pirate. There were hurried footsteps on the deck above as Amy poked her head over the side to stare down at Wanda in shock. The companion was currently wearing a pirate hat and coat.

"Wanda? What are you doing down there?" the ginger companion called out to the blonde.

"Oh, you know me. Like to wander around anywhere and everywhere," Wanda replied in humour. A rope was suddenly tossed over the side, with the knotted end falling just into the water in front of her.

"Grab on!" she heard Eleven shout from above. She did as instructed, holding the rope tight in hand as she began pulling herself up out from the ocean. With some help from the Doctor, Amy, and Rory who worked together in hoisting her out of the cold waters below. Finally, on the dry deck, Wanda let out a sigh of relief in being out of the ocean. Though she then began shivering as her maroon coat weighed heavily on her in being soaked from the chilly ocean water.

"Brr. Chilly," she laughed as her teeth chattered lightly. The Doctor immediately hugged her, hoping to warm her up as he rubbed her arms up and down. Wanda felt embarrassed as he took off her coat and put his own around her. Still hugging her to him. "I'm gonna get you wet and cold, too, if you keep this up."

"Then we'll just be wet and cold together," he replied with his boyish grin. Wanda could not help but giggle, grabbing her coat off the wooden deck and placing it in a more secure place on the deck.

"Who is this? Another stowaway friend of yours?" barked the one pirate, the Captain of the ship, Henry Avery. Wanda beamed, glad to be meeting Avery again. She had met him, his son, and the rest of his crew very briefly during the battle on Demons Run. It had been a blast being able to talk with the space pirates. Though, in the future, they were not much of pirates anymore. More of they were simply just wanderers of space in their new ship, exploring around and such. Almost like she herself in a way.

"You could say that," Wanda told the Captain, walking up to give him a delighted shake of the hand. "I'm the Wanderer. A pleasure to meet you." Avery sort of stared at her warily as she backed up and stood by the Doctor once more. "So, I'm guessing Rory just got his hand cut, yeah?"

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