Chapter 14: The Next Step Together

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Warning: Adult themes and mentions.


Wanda breathed in and let out a happy breath as they finally reached the secluded area of which the teenager had directed them to. She grinned and gaze around the peaceful place in delight, seeing it was just as Jane had said. It was far away from everyone else within the park, very private with all the clustered trees of the area. The pond itself was lined with flowers around its banks edges on one side, while the other bank was bare. There was a small dock leading out towards the centre of the pond. Though the wooden planks on the dock appeared to be rather on the old side, with some holes within the wood and were discoloured in age. Glancing upwards, she saw that there was indeed a great view of the stars overhead. Not as nice as their room within the TARDIS, but still nice for star gazing.

"I still think we need to go find that girl again," the Doctor spoke up behind her, sounding almost as if he were grumbling in disappointment in not being able to investigate something mysterious that had occurred.

"Oh, shush you," Wanda replied, keeping her eyes up towards the stars as she observed them. "Not everything is a mystery that needs to be solved. Just let the girl be. Besides . . . I think we might run into her again someday." The Doctor looked away from the pond and stared at her in interest.

"How do you figure that?" he questioned. Wanda shrugged, holding a small knowing smile on her face.

"Just a hunch," she responded. Shifted slightly, she began to crouch down, ready to lay back upon the grass to relax and star gaze.

"Wait a minute," the Doctor said, halting her from getting on the ground. Hurriedly he shrugged off his overcoat, laying it down neatly on the ground for them both as a blanket to lie on. "Okay, go ahead." He sat down himself scooting back to lie down and gaze upwards.

Wanda did the same, placing down her bouquet of flowers next to them and lying right up against him as they both stared at the stars twinkling above. She felt him shift, pulling up his arm and then wrapping it around her shoulders. She scooted closer, laying her head in the crook of his arm. Both sighed in content as they stared up to the night sky, simply enjoying the quiet moment between them. Each of them felt so at peace. More at peace with the universe than they ever had been. Especially when being so close to the other, wrapped together in their loving embrace of sorts. In that moment for them . . . it was perfect.

"Theta," Wanda spoke up after some time had passed.

"Hmm?" he hummed out in question.

"I love you," she said, smiling softly as she tilted her head slightly to look at him. He moved his own to gaze down at her, giving a similar soft smile.

"I love you, too, Wanderer," he whispered. Leaning forward, they both brushed their lips against each other's, giving a loving kiss. Pulling away, the Doctor wrapped his arms around Wanda and gave another content sigh. "You know, I find it funny how willing you are in saying that now in this current regeneration, but in your Second, you'd hardly even hold my hand. Well . . . except for a few times. And well, there was that one time in that department store. That was a surprising day that I learned you have kink for Stetsons." He chuckled as Wanda scoffed and hit him lightly on the chest.

"It's not a 'kink.' I just . . . find you attractive in a Stetson is all." She blushed as she thought over the certain moment he was talking about. The time she had practically thrown him against the store's wall in the back and snogged him passionately. Still a moment she swore her hormones had gotten the better of her.

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