Chapter 42: Are You My Mummy?

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The crisp night air settled through the brick alleyway. Every so often a brisk wind swept through, making the old tarps hanging along the brick walls flutter. Crates and piles of random objects laid around, making the place look as though many had left abandoned in a haste. The only bright and colourful object in the alley was that of the blue police call box. The TARDIS herself, looking ever so beautiful. A white light appeared right beside the old girl, revealing Wanda. The light slowly disappeared as the Time Lady took in her surroundings while patting an affectionate hand onto the ship.

"Where am I this time, old girl?" Wanda asked softly in cheer, smiling brightly at the ship. She received a gentle song in reply, which she tried her best to sing a tune back. She was getting better at communicating this way to the TARDIS. Soon she might be able to sing fully with Sexy, allowing it so the old girl would no longer be the last one to sing away the sorrows.


Wanda stiffened when hearing the eerie child's voice. The word being almost sung out in a way. Peaking around the TARDIS, she saw the figure of a small little boy standing on the rooftop above wearing an old war gas mask. Oh. So it was that adventure, was it?

"Okay, hang on, don't move," she heard the voice of Rose Tyler from up above as well. Though she did not see the companion, she knew the girl would be trying to reach the boy. Then, at that moment, sirens began wailing through the night. Oh no, not good. She stiffened when hearing the cry of alarm from Rose. The next second, she saw the companion, holding onto a rope attached to a London, second World War, barrage balloon, floating away from the rooftop. Going higher and higher into the air as the wind carried her off.

"Girlie! What the heck are you doing?!" Wanda shouted at Rose, running down the alleyway, following after the balloon and companion. Rose whipped her eyes towards the ground, surprised to see the short blonde jogging down the street (in bellbottoms and a green tie-dyed tunic no less) right under her, following along with the barrage balloon's path.

"Wanda! Help!" call out the companion in panic as she floated even higher into the air, getting far away from both the Time Lady and the ground. Wanda sped up in her pace, trying to keep up with the floating companion. It was harder running, considering the extra weight she was carrying along now. However, through whatever exhaustion, she would keep up, making certain Rose would be all right. It had been so long since she had seen Rose. Last time had been . . . had been . . . that horrid day. It was still hard for Wanda to get over what had happened. Even if it already was meant to be. Even knowing that Rose was happy in Pete's world with Fred. It still . . . hurt so much in knowing her best friend was gone. Just like with River though, Wanda would make certain that every moment was amazing.

Wanda sped up as she heard distant bombs and the hum of German planes overhead. The war cry of the Blitz. Her dread kicked in at full height. It did not help seeing the streets of London so bare and lifeless, either. It only made her more fearful for the hanging companion above her. She continued to keep up with the girl the best she could. Moving deeper and deeper into the Blitz as she followed after Rose. Fires were every from the bombs raining down. The explosions grew louder, rocking the ground under her feet. Every time she heard a plane buzz overhead, she ducked under a crumbled building, hidden from sight until the plane left. She would then run as quickly as she could to catch up with Rose a fast as possible. Soon, Wanda was near St. Paul's and the Thames, getting closer to where she knew a certain Captain would be watching the dangling Rose.

A bomb went off in a fiery blaze just a few feet in front of her down the road. She jumped, falling onto her back from the shock wave the bomb gave. Staring up wide-eyed at the sky, she felt her breath catch as she saw Rose lose her grip on the rope of the balloon, screaming as the girl fell.

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