Chapter 12: Mending the Relationship

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Warning: Mature themes and discussions.


The Doctor bounced up the controls of the TARDIS and sent them off immediately, wanting to hurry onto the next adventure.

"So, where to next?" he asked brightly, beaming at Wanda. His smiled dropped somewhat as he saw the very agitated Time Lady, seeing how she hand her hands on her hips, tapping her foot rapidly on the grated floor and her left eye twitching. He gulped quietly. "Um . . . Did you want to get ice cream instead?" Wanda huffed and stormed right up to him, giving him a sharp punch in the arm.

"You scared the living daylights out of me!" she yelled at him. He pouted and rubbed at his arm.

"Well, didn't intend on that," he mumbled. Wanda scoffed, placing her hands on her hips once more and tapped her foot rapidly and angrily on the floor as she glared crossly at him.

"'Didn't intend on that'? Or really?" she sassed. "How about the fact that you had practically thrown yourself at that Plasmavore, letting her kill you in the process. I had to revive you because you had died. And you just act like it's no big deal, asking me if I want ice cream!" She grumbled darkly under her breath as she paced around and waved her hands about as she spoke. The Doctor watched her, listening to her ramble at a rapid pace. Only briefly did he hear words like 'idiot,' 'stupid Time Lord,' and 'rude and not ginger.'

"Look, it was the only thing we could do," the Doctor argued. "Besides, you've done worse in the past, and I'm sure in the future as well."

"Yeah, and you'd have every right to be cross with me, too! 'Cause it would mean that I'm a bloody moron and deserve to be scolded!" Wanda stomped her foot, looking at him crossly. But at the same time, the Doctor could see how torn up she really was by what had occurred in the hospital. "You gave me a damn heart attack with that stunt you pulled."

The Doctor frowned and tapped his fingers on the console, feeling a little irked that she would be so angry with him. It was like the day the Reapers had killed him all over again when Second Wanda had been cross with him. "Well . . . it wasn't like you were the one who died there."

"Don't remind me!" Wanda made a noise of frustration and threw her hands in the air. "And if I had been the one to die, you'd be yelling at me right about now. Yet I can't be a little bit cross with you? I mean, yes, you had to do it. Yes, it was the only way to stop the Plasmavore and the Judoon. Yes, it saved the humans. Yes, you're alive and perfectly fine now. But bloody hell, I'm still very, very cross with you right now! It's going to take a lot of custard creams to calm me down and make me happy. Yes, I like custard creams, because it's the only bloody treat that this damn tongue of mine actually likes. And you expect me not to be angry with you because—no wait, why the hell are you laughing?!"

The Doctor had thrown back his head, laughing heartedly as he watched her fume. Her face all red and her eye twitching, the way she threw her hands around, it just made him find her all the more loveable. Especially since he understood completely how she felt about the scare she had gone through in almost losing him, and knowing that it was still some of her temper left over in being furious with Miss Finnegan. He gave her an understanding, yet still cheeky, grin. "Because of how adorable you look."

"Adorable?! I am not adorable!" She stomped her foot, looking even more adorable with her pout. Wanda huffed when the Doctor laughed even more. She suddenly smirked in a coy manner as she thought of a way to get back at him. Plus, to get him to go back for Martha like they should be doing at the moment.

The Doctor continued chuckling for a moment longer before he abruptly stopped when someone pushed him back into the captain's chair. He blinked in shock as he saw Wanda grinning slyly at him, sitting right in his lap. His lower body felt pressure as the Time Lady suddenly straddled him, pushing herself right up against him with her arms draped across his shoulders. He gulped, feeling his hearts sped up rapidly as she leaned closer to him, barely ghosting her lips over his.

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