Chapter 55: Aftermath

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Fluffy white clouds, so peaceful in colour, drifted against the clear blue sky, swirling around the Valiant as it sailed high above the Earth. The hum of the ship's engines felt muffled to Wanda as she stood in front of a large window, staring out distantly towards the sky. She stood rigidly, unmoving as she kept her arms crossed tightly together over her stomach. Her expression blank as she watched the clouds swirl and drift by. She heard the movement of people all through the corridors behind her. With muttering and shuffling around, she knew they were most likely getting things prepared for when the Valiant finally landed.

The world below already sent word through of their plans to arrest those who have worked with Saxon on his plot to assassinate the President of the United States. There was also word sent that the Cabinet of the United Kingdom had been found all dead in the Cabinet Room in 10 Downing Street. Everywhere on the news—which the Valiant showed on broadcasting networks—people were calling Saxon a horrible madman who never had any right being Prime Minister in the first place. Now, they all wanted justice for what Saxon did. Even though they already been told that he was dead, with Jack coming up with the story for the news stations to run that Saxon had killed himself once he had been found out. So, the next best thing for the people of Earth to blame was Lucy, Harold Saxon's wife. And so, Lucy had been handcuffed by the authorities of the ship, taking her away to the same holding cell Wanda had been placed in earlier. There Lucy would stay until the Valiant was close enough to the United Kingdom for them all to depart.

Wanda had not been there on the flight deck when this had all been said and done. She had left everyone there almost immediately after Jack had hugged her. She wandered aimlessly through the Valiant in a daze until she came up to the large window overlooking the clouds and sky. And there she had been since. Quiet and reclusive as everyone else did what they must. The only reason knowing of all what was happening because of the echoing sounds of the news broadcast coming down the corridors. She even heard a few guards marching Lucy off just behind her. Only giving the woman a small glance, Wanda saw how Lucy stared down at the ground in a daze, with the woman appearing so lost and worn down from the Year That Never Was. The dark bruises left behind by the Master were still clearly visible on the woman.

That had been the only time Wanda looked away from the blue sky. Just to see what had been done with Lucy. Anything else, she refused to look at. She even knew at some point Martha and her family had walked by just behind her. But she dared not look at them. Even when she felt eyes gazing at her. No. Best not spoil the family's reunion after so long. Martha deserved her time with her family. They had been through so much. They needed the young doctor more than ever now.

When she heard things beginning to quiet down, and the familiar footsteps approaching her softly from just behind, she tensed. Her hands tightened on her arms where she still kept crossed over her stomach. Her eyes closed slowly as she inhaled and exhaled a wavering breath. She knew eventually he would have come for her. Nothing she felt could prepare herself for it, though. After all, she had broken his hearts. From both present and future. How could she face him after what she had done? After everything? Nothing she could ever say or do would make up for what she had done to them both.

However, she was taken back, shocked, when she felt him trying to reach out to her through their bond. She felt his mind gently prying at hers, asking to be invited in so that their bond would connect as strongly as it had been before this forgotten year had happened. But she withdrew with a wince, closing off her mind and blocking the bond. She made certain to place up a barrier between them, making it so it was like being back in her first incarnation. Before he had opened the connection for them. They were now as separated as humans were. She heard him sigh after this. Whether it was a forlorn or frustrated sigh, she could not tell. She only remained tense, ready for whatever he wished to say to her now. But he stayed quiet and still. Minutes ticked by, making her become more and more anxious by the second.

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