Chapter 37: The Two Thousand Year Wait

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Wanda shivered so much that her teeth chattered together. She panted sharply through her teeth, making herself hyperventilate from her panic and fright. It was dark in the box. So very dark. She wished that there was at least some light. As if reading her mind, the white light within the Pandorica flickered on. The box gave a small hum as the electronics within ran. Though, it sounded all wrong to her. She only wanted to hear the TARDIS's hum. To feel the motherly blanket of warmth surround, to keep her comforted and let all other worries leave her. Now, however, all she felt was the cold bite of the metal seat she was locked in and the still, chilled air around her. With a layer of fear and anxiety right on top of the coldness she felt. All she could wonder was if she were going to be awake the entire time within the box. Always aware of her imprisonment. Alive, conscious, with her life being locked into place within the Pandorica. Never aging. Never changing. Would an eternity pass outside the box and it only feel to her as though seconds had passed? Or would seconds have passed outside and it be an eternity for her within? Which was worse?

Taking in a deep, trembling breath, she slowly calmed herself, knowing it was not good to lose her head. She needed to keep calm and think. Think. Think, think, think, think, think. She tried banging her head against the backside of the chair. But the shoulder clamps made it impossible for her to move her head very much. She looked around the small room she had been placed into. Nothing much to go on. Just a metal prison in a box. There was some space between the walls and the chair she sat on. But not by much. Maybe just enough for a person to squeeze into.

She stared back at the creased wall in front of her, knowing that by now the universe had ended and . . . and all that was right outside the Pandorica were . . . No. No, she could not think it. He . . . he could not be dead. He just could not be dead. He had to be alive. Maybe . . . Maybe he had thought of something at the last minute? Protected himself in some way? It was the Doctor, after all. Her brilliant, idiotic, amazing husband. Who she was going to kiss as soon as she made it out of here. Right?

She slumped in her seat, knowing the chances of her making out of here were slim. Things had changed. Time rewritten. It was the Doctor meant to be placed into the Pandorica. Not her. Definitely not her. But . . . from the way the Daleks, Cybermen, and Sontarans had spoken . . . Did she deserve this? To be locked away where no one can be hurt by her? To keep the universe safe from the dreadful harm she could and would cause? No. No, she could not think like that. She had to keep herself together. Yes, she was something beyond deadly and dangerous. Yes, there may be times where she might lose control and hurt someone. But she was not going to let that control her. Control her life. She would gain control of this. Keep in line the powers inside of her. She would make certain never to cause whatever great chaos others were afraid of. What others assumed to would make happen. She would always fight back against the madness, the darkness, within in her and keep to the light. She was not a monster.

And she had to tell him. She should have told him. It was stupid of her to keep her pregnancy a secret from him. From her love, her Theta. He had to know about their growing child. She might not tell him right away during the moment of the universe reboot. But, she swore, as soon as this adventure was over, whether she transport away to a future Doctor or past one, she was going to tell him. For he deserved to know of his child. He deserved to know what their love had created and what was going to come for them in their future. Their future together as a time travelling family.

The Pandorica made a loud click, making her jolt in her seat in shock. The crease in front of her began creaking open slowly. The white light increased in intensity as the box was revealing someone standing right outside the open, opening it. Wanda beamed, feeling overjoyed as she knew it was the Doctor. He had pulled through, just as he always did. How could she have ever doubted him? Ever doubted that the day could still be saved and that everything would be all right? But then her smile dropped when she saw it was Rory the Roman standing outside the box when the doors finally made a loud thunk, fulling open. The man stared at her in bewilderment as he lowered the hand pointing the green-tipped sonic screwdriver. The clamps and restraints around her opened as well, letting her breath more easily than from before.

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