Chapter 61: Darkest Thoughts

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As the chilly air settled around Wanda and the dots in her vision slowly faded, she could not help but feel relief. It had been more painful than she could have imagined being with a younger Doctor. One still full of hope for the child in their future. Eleven had taken her away for fun almost as soon as she had stepped out of their room. Whisking her off for joy alongside their Ponds, all the while constantly hugging, holding, and kissing her. Occasionally even rubbing a hand around her stomach. She pretended not to know why he was doing so. Kept up a farce as much as she could. But in the end, all three in the TARDIS family knew something was off. They sensed her sadness. She only hoped they had chalked it up to whatever dream she had experienced.

She looked around to where she had arrived to. It seemed like she had appeared back in Roald Dahl Plass in Cardiff. The large water tower was just behind her. As well as the TARDIS, parked there for refuelling. Judging by the smell of the air, she was somewhere during Rose's time. Normally, Wanda would have been overjoyed at the idea of being with her best friend once again. But now—like she had been feeling for a long while—all she felt was numbness. Nothing really made her feel . . . well, anything anymore. Sure, she had felt happy in that dream. But that had been such a wonderful dream. Until the end, of course. But that was beside the point.

Letting out a heavy sigh, she ended up leaning against the railing around the centre area. Just looking out towards the bay not too far away from where she was helped bring a small bit of calm to her. For a brief moment, she wondered if she could just sneak away from the group that was inside the TARDIS. She had never once wanted to be away from the Doctor before. Sure, sometimes she wanted some quiet time away from the others. But from the Doctor? It had never once occurred to her. Now, however, she felt all she wanted was nothing more than to go off and be by herself, doing something alone that might help her feel a bit more at peace with the universe. More or less, she just wanted an option to be in control of her wandering abilities and to just get away for a while. Was that selfish of her, though? She felt that it should be. She should not want to get away. She should want to help her time travelling family when they needed her. Just as she always had in the past. Why was she feeling like this? What was wrong with her?

"Should take another twenty-four hours which means we've got time to kill."

Wanda heard Nine's voice coming from behind her. As well as Jack, Rose, and Mickey. All of them chatting away about this and that. Mostly talking about the disguise of the TARDIS. Wanda did not pay much attention to what they were saying. Mostly, she stayed still, staring off at the waters of the bay. She wondered if they would not notice her there. Maybe, if she went unnoticed, then she could wander off and do something on her own for the day. That would be nice. She never had a chance to do that before.

"Hey, Tink!" came the sudden exclamation from Jack. Wanda let out a soft sigh. So much for wandering off today.

"Hey, Jack," she responded lightly as the Captain came over and gave her shoulder a happy slap. She forced a smile on her face, not wanting him or the others to know how she was truly feeling.

"How's my Tinkerbell been?" Jack questioned brightly, giving her a wink.

"Fine," she mumbled, looking over her shoulder as she saw Rose bouncing over to her while the Doctor and Mickey walked more slowly over. Rose gave Wanda a hug, immediately rambling on about how happy she was now that the short blonde was around. Of course, came the questioning from Mickey about who she was and all that. Wanda let Rose do the explaining of the different faces of a Time Lord and all that.

"Wish I could see these different faces of yours, Tink," Jack spoke up. "Not that I'm tired of this face. Just wanna see how gorgeous all other yous are." He gave her his usual flirtatious smile, appearing very eager to see her other faces.

Wander of time: Darkness within (doctor who)Where stories live. Discover now