Chapter 54: A Wanderer's Revenge

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Warning: Death


A gentle warm breeze moved over the land, making the grass around swish and sway. The sound of the grass rustling against each other, sounding much like gentle waves upon a seashore. Wanda sat underneath a lone silver tree, onto a hilltop of red grass. She had her back leaning against the tree, staring out towards the valley down the way. The tall buildings reflected the morning light peacefully as the people within the strange, otherworldly village were going about their day in cheer. Well, as cheery as they tried to be, anyway. Wanda stared at it all blankly, her eyes glazed over as she seemed to just be within her own mind. A small patch of flowers stood out from the red grass right next to the tree beside where Wanda currently sat. A small stone leaned right against the tree in front of the flowers, with a name engraved on the white marble.

Here Lies Ember

Our beloved daughter

Wanda closed her eyes tightly for a moment, sucking in a breath as though she were trying to hold back a wave of emotions. Soon she slowly let out a shaking breath, relaxing as she opened her eyes once more and stared out into the village once again.

"Why didn't you go back with them?"

Wanda slowly glanced over, seeing the sudden appearance of Shelly . . . of Bad Wolf right next to her. It was still hard for Wanda to keep reminding herself this all was not what she remembered it to be. The Shelly in her mind from the past . . . had been nothing more than a dream. No, this was Bad Wolf. Still Shelly in some ways, but not the Shelly from her 'past.'

"I don't know. Mostly, I suppose, I wanted to be alone for a while longer," Wanda replied softly, looking away to stare off once more. The Doctor and companions had left some hours ago. They had spent a good few days here with her in this world as they all mourned the loss of Ember. Each one went through their ways of grief. River and Rory both choose the quiet compassion of being there for the others. While Amy practically clung to Wanda, torn up in what happened just as much as the Time Lords were. And the Doctor . . .

Wanda closed her eyes once again. His grief hurt her the worst. He seemed to go through wave after wave sadness. He had remained reserved during the whole stay, never once letting go of Wanda's hand through the days. He followed the Time Lady wherever she went, staying quiet as they were visited at the cottage by different people from Wanda's past. Never once would he break down in front of others. But when Wanda and he were alone . . . It hurt. It hurt so much seeing him cry in such a way. It was like the time in his Ninth incarnation after the Time War all over again. And Wanda felt there was nothing she could do to help him this time.

The different people who visited had come in waves. Tina was the first, almost immediately hugging the Time Lady and was ready be there for comfort. Then came others who had been a part of Wanda's 'past.' They were all wonderful, being so supportive and caring. It helped . . . in some ways. But in the other ways . . . it hurt in seeing so many faces which Wanda held only memories that were nothing more than fake, creations from Alpha herself. Then, today, they held a funeral ceremony for Ember. Flowers had been planted in the one small spot in the pocket world which held red grass and a silver tree. The Doctor himself made the headstone and engraved the words. Then the ceremony had been small, with nothing more than the small group standing around in solemn silence.

Eventually, people had trickled away, leaving only the companions and Time Lords. Then, a fleeting time later after that, they heard the TARDIS, their TARDIS, sounding off to them from the distant cottage where she had been moved to days previous. It was time for them to go. She could only stay here for so much longer before she really would be in trouble by being within a pocket universe. The only reason she had not been in trouble before now was because of the help from this world's TARDIS, Beauty. But Beauty could only do so much before the natural effects of a pocket universe hurt their Sexy. The Doctor had sighed after this, glancing at Wanda when seeing her rigid posture, her eyes never wavering from staring at the headstone of their child and her arms wrapped tightly around her middle.

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