Chapter 9: Entangled Web

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Well . . . unlike Donna had originally thought, the people of her wedding were not heartbroken in the least.

Every single one of her guests and family seemed rather happy and joyful, in fact. None showing the least bit of concern for the missing bride. All were hopping around reception room, having a good time dancing to the loud music and spinning around in the bright and colorful lights. Food and drinks being consumed merrily around in the crowded dance room. Banners hung up around in cheerful displays of what would have been a happy wedding. Everyone seemed completely unconcerned of Donna's absence. It actually made Wanda very angry with them all. She felt her temper flare up as her eye began to twitch and her hands tightening up into fists as she watched Lance and Nerys dance. And boy, if she felt angry, she was certain Donna was beyond furious. In fact, glancing at the woman next to her, Wanda could plainly see the fury building up in the ginger woman's eyes.

Eventually, the guests and family members began to realize the presence of the newly arrived trio. One by one, they stopped in their merriment to stare with wide eyes at a very enraged Donna. The bride stood there in the doorway of the room with her arms crossed and glaring heatedly at her fiancé and Nerys. Those two still completely unaware of her arrival as they laughed and dance. Though, after noticing everyone else around them had stopped dancing, they too turned around to face Donna, the Doctor, and Wanda. The music stopped abruptly, sending the room into an awkward silence.

"You had the reception without me?" Donna bit out at them all, her voice wavering slightly as she felt completely hurt by everyone's actions.

"Donna, what happened to you?" Lance asked immediately, trying to cover up his lack of interest in the woman's disappearance and safety. Both Donna and Wanda shot him a glare. Though, each one for a different reason.

"You had the reception without me," Donna snapped loudly at him. The Doctor stood there uncomfortably by everyone's gazing eyes, feeling awkward by the whole situation unfolding before them.

"Hello. I'm the Doctor, and this is Wanda," he spoke up to the room with an embarrassed smile. Everyone stared at him in disbelief. Wanda bummed his arm lightly, gaining his attention.

"Timing," Wanda muttered to him. The Doctor nodded slightly.

"Right, sorry," he mumbled back, realizing it was not the best time for introductions.

"They had the reception without me," Donna said angrily to them both.

"Yes, we gathered," the Doctor replied, wincing at the loud exclaiming of Donna.

"Well, it was all paid for. Why not?" Nerys retorted snidely.

"Thank you, Nerys," Donna snapped at the blonde woman. Nerys sneered in response to this. Donna glared at everyone around the room. "Where's Aleena? She's in charge of reception, and I know for certain that she wouldn't have let you all do this." At this point Donna's mother stepped up angrily towards her daughter.

"She ran off looking for you. And what else were we supposed to do?" Sylvia said crossly. "I got your silly little message in the end. 'I'm on Earth'? Very funny. But what the hell happened?"

This only sparked a barrage of comments and retorts flying from everyone as they all stepped around to face Donna closer. Donna herself looked on with wide eyes as everyone spoke at once, hitting her with so many questions she was unable to answer. Wanda felt ready to storm up in front of the woman as shield and tell them all off for overwhelming the bride with babbling. As well as for having the reception without the bride in the first place. But then suddenly Donna burst into sobs. Everyone hurriedly stopped talking as Lance hugged his fiancée. It made everyone forget their anger with the bride instantly. Over Lance's shoulder, while everyone clapped happily, Donna sent the two Time Lords a wink.

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