Chapter 19: The Adipose

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The Doctor strolled along down an alleyway from his TARDIS, squinting his eyes from the early morning light that shone from just over the ridge of the buildings around him. Stuffing his hands into his brown-pinstriped trouser pockets, the building ahead, Adipose Industries, drew closer as the Doctor walked his brisk gate towards the set destination. After last night in having a failed attempt in tracking the anomaly with his handy detector device, and finding out more information from one of the users of Adipose capsules, Roger, the Doctor knew he needed to discover the secrets of Adipose Industries tonight.

Nothing seemed right about the place. A sudden 'easy' diet business that popped up out of nowhere? This had peaked his interest the moment he heard people in a coffee shop babbling on about the miracle diet pills. Apparently, the industry just came out of the blue, selling these magic pills that the humans seemed more than willing to buy. And the chemicals used within the Adipose capsules just screamed alien origin. He knew that he must investigate further into the company itself, break into it at night and see what other secrets the place might hold. Unfortunately, he would have to take the slow path in waiting. No jumping ahead in his TARDIS this time. Not only was he already tied in with the events of the time stream, but he had no idea what sort of security system the building might have installed. It might just pick up his TARDIS upon entry and put the place on high alert. No, it was best for him to sneak in and wait until night hours when the place was closed and empty.

He only wished though that he had someone around to keep him company. Mostly, he wanted Wanda here with him. He missed her. He never liked having her away from him for more than a day anymore. Being apart from her at any second just made his skin crawl, made him beyond on edge and twitchy. Especially after that long, long time they had spent away from each other during that . . . that damn year. That horrible, terrible year. The year that only he, Wanda, and a few others were cursed to remember. Oh how his dearly wished he could forget. How truly and most desperately he wanted to help Wanda forget . . . everything. To rid her of those god-awful memories. Those nightmares. Knowing of what she remembered . . . it broke his hearts every time he thought of it. And then knowing the truth to Alpha . . .

He slowed down in his steps, coming to a halt by a street corner as he stared up sorrowfully at the sky. All this time . . . if he had known the truth . . . Shaking his head, letting out a heavy sigh, he pressed onward, only focusing his mind on what he was meant to do currently. Dwelling on what had happened would only keep his mind distracted from what he needed to do to help here and now. There was nothing more he could do for Wanda. All he could try from now on was to attempt to ease her pain and sorrow in some way.

A flash of white light appeared right in front of him and a short blonde stumbled right into him. The Doctor reached out immediately, wrapping his arms around the young woman in an instinctive protection as her face practically pressed up right into his chest. His face lit up tremendously as Third Wanda blinked at him in surprise and returned his smile with a beaming face.

"Why, hello there!" she said merrily, giggling. "What are the odds of bumping into a stranger like you?"

"Oh, I'd say about fifty/fifty odds, really," the Doctor replied, giving his usual foxy grin. Leaning down, he gave the love of his life a tender kiss as she stood on her toes to meet him. Pulling away with a smack, they leaned their foreheads together as they grinned. "So, where have you been?"

"Been hanging around your future self for about two weeks," Wanda told Ten while running her fingers tenderly through his messy hair as she recalled the short-lived honeymoon with Eleven in the future.

After leaving Starship UK, she had arrived to Eleven who had very recently been married to her. As soon as he asked if they had gone 'swimming,' he immediately suggested a honeymoon to a tropical/beach planet in the luxury system built by the Viofraltz. Once there, they had booked a two-week stay for them to relax and enjoy their new found marriage. She blushed as she remembered the many, many times they had gone off on a sort of 'adventure' of their own. But it was more than that. They had really just enjoyed each other's company more than anything. And every night, each one of them had tried to one-up the other in making surprises for the day or night they would spend together. At one point, it had actually become a competition of sorts between the two of them. The Doctor ended up winning, of course, as he had made a whole fireworks display sing her a symphony in her name and even lit up the hotel they stayed in purple for her favourtie colour. Of course, she did surprise him quite a few times, like once by making a whole dinner party a game with bow ties and fezes.

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