Chapter 38: The Shocking Surprise

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Music played loudly while lights whizzed about. Laughter and merriment filled the air as the room buzzed with life. Women grinned from ear to ear as they danced with different giddy men. Children squealed in delight as they ran around everyone. Each child getting a sugar rush after eating the wedding cake. In the middle of it all was the Doctor and Wanda, doing a wild and funny jig together. Completely lost in their own world as they were simply enjoying the night together. And, of course, their dancing was the worst of the bunch.

"You're terrible!" Amy laughed at them as she came up to dance with the two. "That's terrible!"

"You're just jealous 'cause you can't handle these moves," Wanda replied sassily, winking as she and the Doctor began swinging their arms around over their heads. Completely off beat from the music that was currently playing. Amy only laughed more, holding her stomach as she could not handle the hilarious sight of the Time Lords' dancing. Rory joined in laughing with his wife, grabbing Amy to spin her around in delight. The Doctor did the same to Wanda. Each male grinned at each other as their lovers giggled in their arms.

Soon, Wanda and the Doctor managed to get the children involved with their silly dance. The children all giggled happily as they all enjoyed the dance greatly. And the children and guests really enjoyed it when Wanda got her violin out and began playing a jig for them all to dance to. Then, Wanda made the lot laugh even more when grabbing some cake and squishing it on the Doctor's face. He blinked in shock as the white icing covered his nose and cheeks. Wanda held her stomach as she and the children pointed and laughed. But then she squealed when the Doctor picked her up and pushed cake right into her face in retaliation. They both ended up chortling together, pressing their foreheads together as cake covered their faces.

Eventually, the night settled down. Many guests had left. All of the children were gone having been taken home by their parents. The music slowed down into gentle rhythms, making many couples, including the bride and groom, enjoy a slow dance together. Each holding the other close as they simply basked in the others' presence. And currently, the two Time Lord were also enjoying their own gentle dance together. They held onto each other so close with Wanda's arms wrapped around the Doctor's neck and his around her waist. Repeatedly, each of them would give the other a soft kiss. Letting themselves be eased in knowing they were each alive. Both together again.

"I have something to tell you," they suddenly both said at the same time. They pulled away to look at the other, blinking in surprise they had spoken together. The Doctor snorted while Wanda giggled, finding it amusing.

"Go ahead," she told him.

"You first," he countered, shaking his head. Wanda nodded, sucking in a deep breath, ready to tell him.

"Doctor . . .," she began, but was cut off as the white light began forming around her swiftly. The Doctor held a look of great disappointment while Wanda let out a frustrated huff as she was pulled away from him.

She stood still as she came into a dark, damp tunnel. With bar wired barricades and barriers placed here and there throughout the area. Much of the place appeared destroyed from whatever chaos had ensued earlier. The hum of the TARDIS alerted Wanda instantly, making her see the old girl was parked just in front of a massive pile of rubble. Gazing up the large wall of broken bricks and beams, it appeared to Wanda that the tunnel had collapsed at one point. Right in middle as if on purpose. Frowning for a moment, she began to wonder where she was as she started walking down the tunnel in search for the Doctor and companion. Which adventure were they on now? Nothing too serious she hoped.

Her steps halted when she came around a corner of the tunnel, seeing a group of people gathered around the edges of one of the two connecting tunnels. There was Martha, standing solemnly with her hands clasped together as she stared at the ground, crying silently. Donna sat on the ground, holding a comforting arm around a grieving Jenny. The blonde girl sobbed, leaning her head against her father's shoulder who sat on the ground with his knees up, elbows resting on his legs as he gripped his head. Unmoving, completely stiff in his deep welling sorrow was Ten. He did not give comfort to his daughter next to him. Nor to the others around him. He continued to only hole up within himself. Allowing no emotions to escape him as Wanda knew he would be afraid to let any out lest he break into pieces. Ten, always did like to keep things bottled up within. Never letting anyone see weakness in him. Even if he truly needed a moment to let it all out in his sorrow.

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