Chapter 36: Opening Pandorica

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Blinking, trying to clear her eyesight of the white spots in her vision, Wanda gazed around, seeing that she was within Eleven's TARDIS. The bright and warm control room with the blanket of warmth surrounding her made her feel relaxed after a long day of tension and stress. Sighing, she ruffled her hair slightly as she walked up the stairs of the console, heading towards the corridor. First things first, she needed a nice long shower and a change of clothes before going off to find out where the Doctor had run to. She did not want the chance to get dragged into another adventure with him and the Ponds, and possibly River, just yet. She needed to rest for a bit before anything else.

Though she wanted to rest before finding anyone, she did find it odd that there was indeed no one around. Where was everyone? Had something happened? Frowning for a second, she shrugged, thinking that maybe they were off somewhere in the TARDIS, playing games or something. So, she ignored her growing anxiety as she went into her room and began to clean herself up. Once showered and changed into her usual outfit of bright coloured tunic, maroon overcoat, capris, and mary janes, Wanda stepped out of her room again, glancing both ways down the corridor. Okay, that really was weird. Normally, when Wanda appeared, and the others were on board and had not realized of her arrival after a long while, the TARDIS would sort of send a signal to the rest in the back, letting them know of the new company that had joined them. Then, as usual, the Doctor would bounce over to greet her with the others in tow. All ready to go on an adventure together.

However, there was no such welcome here. Now Wanda was truly starting to worry as she realized she might have been callous in wanting to wash up and relax. She should have looked for them first. What if they were in trouble? What if they were in grave danger? What if they were dying?! She had to save them! Wanda, with her mind jumping into a panic, ran down the corridor and straight back into the control room. Racing over to the scanner on the console, she began hurriedly typing, trying to find out what had happened to her family. The coordinates came up onto the screen, showing her that the TARDIS was currently at Salisbury Plain, in the 2nd century. Roman Britain. Scanning a bit more, she saw there was a Roman camp not too far away from where Sexy was parked. Would the Doctor and the others be there?

The disgruntled and wary hum of the TARDIS alerted Wanda, making her gaze up to the time rotor in concern.

"What's wrong old girl? Are you all right?" Wanda asked, patting the console in comfort. The scanner in front of her changed, showing her a blinking date. June twenty-six, 2010. Wanda felt her hearts drop with cold dread washing over her. Gulping, she slowly turned off the scanner, shaking as she realized what day with was. Sucking in a deep breath, she made herself be calm, knowing that things would not be that bad this day. Right? Right. Yeah. Should be fine. Everything would be totally fine. It was just the universe going to explode.

Wanda rocked on her feet, feeling her anxiety kicking in again as she knew she was now facing one of the days she had been dreading lately. Though she knew everything (for the most part) went perfectly fine in the show, there was still something about this day that sent dread down her spine. Something . . . off. It could be that much of it—when she tried looking into a possibility of this day—was fuzzy and blank to her. Which meant her timeline was deeply entangled in this adventure. Meaning that anything could happen on this day. Anything that she could not see coming. Even . . . even something horrible that she could not stop.

Her hand began rubbing at her stomach absently, worried for the child within her. Would the growing babe be in danger today? She had already placed the babe into a deadly situation with her against that Heavenly Host. What if she ended up doing it again? Slowly, she wrapped her arms around her stomach, growing a determined expression. She would never let that happen. She would rather die—no wait, dying would be the bad thing. All right. Then she would fight with everything to stay alive, keeping her child alive as well. Her child was precious, and she would do anything to protect . . . her . . . her child. Her and the Doctor's . . . child.

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