Chapter 51: A Wanderer's Memories (Part One)

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Warning: Dark themes ahead in this chapter. There is child abuse/death and mentioning of suicide. Please read with caution if these topics are difficult for you.


I was scared. I was so scared. I've never been so scared before in my life. I did not know what to do. I was at a loss. There was so much destruction and chaos all around me. The screams of my neighbors made me shake and cry even more. The sounds of the gun fire made me quake where I was sitting curled up. I wanted my mummy. I wanted my daddy. I was scared. I wanted my parents to comfort me.

"Mummy! Daddy!" I wept as I sat there on the ground, holding my knees to my chest, hugging myself as tears rolled down my face. I kept screaming over the shouting, calling out to my parents.

The Daleks . . . they had done a surprise attack on the small outskirts of where we lived. My parents had fled in a panic with me in my mother's arms from our small home. I watched the house burn down from over my mother's shoulder as she ran. Then, I really did not remember what happened. Maybe the Daleks had hit my parents? Maybe mother grew tired and had dropped me on accident? Maybe my father had tried grabbing me when mother dropped me? I do not know. All I know is that one minute I was with them. Then the next I was on the ground, fallen as people rushed around or over me, leaving me in the middle of the streets, surrounded by fire and fallen buildings. There were also dead people on the ground around me. Lifeless eyes staring back at me in a glaze. I cried harder as I scooted away from the dead soldiers, men, women, and children. They were all dead.

I stood up and ran over to a broken stone building, ducking around the crumbling wall. I hid there, balling myself up to keep myself low and unseen by the Daleks passing by. Some flew. Most rolled down the streets, chanting their battle cry.

"Exterminate! Exterminate!" they repeated over and over again. I winced every time they called their horrid word. The way they yelled out in their high-pitched voices . . . it sent chills down my spine.

I was so scared.

The gunfire seemed to last forever. I did not know what to do as it went on. Then, as I sat there shivering in the cold night, wrapping my small red cloak around me and scoot my feet under my long scarlet dress, the noises finally died down. Sniffling, I rubbed my cold nose. Everything was just so cold. I wanted my mummy. Where was my mummy? My daddy? Why were they not coming to get me? Should I wait here for them? No, they might not see me in this dark place. I needed to find them. What if they were hurt? I needed to help them.

Standing up slowly, I walked around the broken stone wall edgily. Poking my head out, I saw no Daleks around. Good. I did not like those metal things. I did not like how they yelled. They were scary. They hurt people. Why did they hurt people? I did not understand. I knew that mother and father had been worried for a while now in the Daleks coming to Gallifrey. They talked about it in tense conversations almost every night in the family room. I did not understand much of it. I was never as bright as other children my age. But I knew that if my parents were scared and worried, then I needed to be as well.

Walking through the rubble of the destroyed buildings, scooting around the fires, I stumbled into an open area lay flattened by the Daleks. My eyes watered as I stared at the sight. Our small marble park, built similar to the one I had visited once at the Capital, had been destroyed. Bodies lay around the crushed flowers. The fountains were spraying a stream of water out as half had been ripped apart. No, not the fountain! That was mummy's favorite. I ran over, crouching down next to a broken statue, staring at its face. Why would the Daleks do this? The park had always been a fun place to play. Why hurt a place that was for fun?

I gasped and spun around as I heard whirling of machinery coming through the thick smoke of the fires around me. I backed up into the crumbling fountain, shivering and whimpering as I saw a Dalek coming towards me. It was different than the bronze ones I had seen earlier. It was black and much sleeker looking. It rolled right up to me as I sat hunched in fear. It was going to kill me! I'm going to die without mother or father knowing where I was! I closed my eyes tightly, whimpering as it pointed its eyestalk at me.

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