Chapter 47: The Final Chapter

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White light flashed briefly down a dirty metal and rock hallway. Wanda blinked, allowing her eyes to adjust to her new dark surroundings. There was steam coming up from metal gates here and there, along the walls and floor. Boxes lined the area, appearing as though holding supplies that would last through a long journey. Pictures and papers scatted the walls, posted up as seeming a simple way to make the place look a little cheerier than what state it was in currently. Ears perking up, she could hear people in the distance to her right chattering away in hushed tones. Where was she? She tried sniffing the air, but . . . her brain would not jump to the time period as it normally would. Something felt wrong. Something felt really, really wrong.

Sniffling, trying to get rid of her tears, she rubbed furiously at her face. Why . . . why could she have not saved them? Why? Poor Rory. Poor Amelia. Poor River for losing her parents. Oh, god, she and the Doctor had lost the biggest piece in their family. Amy . . . Rory . . . the best family they could have ever wished for. And now . . . neither Time Lord could ever see them again. Wanda let out a weeping sob, her tearful cry sounding shaking as she wrapped her arms around herself the best she could. She had been so close. So close to saving Rory. She had been just there, and . . . he had slipped through her fingers. Just like that. In knowing that Rory was gone, even though Wanda had not been around to see Amy go, she knew the ginger woman would not be too far away from joining her husband. Amy and Rory could never be apart. Not ever.

Rubbing her face again, she gave her cheeks a few slaps. Trying to snap herself out of her funk as she knew she must pay attention again to where she was. It especially made it more urgent as a strange alert kept going through her mind. All the barriers were on edge about something or another. Especially the certain one that always acted up. Was it because of her stress from earlier, or . . . No, something definitely felt wrong about this place. Something dreadfully wrong. A hand out of habit went to her stomach, tightening on her clothes in an anxious manner. Lifting another hand, she made certain that she was wearing her wedding necklace. Making certain that no one would be able to see her true form at this moment. It would be dreadful to have someone see her with her large belly in a place like this. Especially if that someone meant harm to others.

Quick footsteps coming towards her made her stiffen on the spot, fearing that someone was coming to attack. All she saw through the dark and steamy hall was an older man, with pure white hair, appearing to be pulling along someone else in excitement and glee by their hand. The moment she saw this elder man's face . . . the moment she got a clear view of him . . . her hearts froze. She stood, like a deer in headlights, staring wide-eyed in horror at the man. Her mind ceased to function. Her body felt ready to collapse, to faint from the shock of seeing him. The fight or flight response kicked up in her, screaming for her to flee. Flee for her life, run with all her strength and power, leaving this forsaken man far, far behind forever.

No . . . No, it could not be him. It just could not. Not him! Anything but him! Oh, god, no!

But it was. It was Professor Yana. Yana, who was really . . .

Her body began to tremble as she took a step back as the man drew ever closer. Immediately, she stepped out of his way, wanting to stay clear of him. In her fear, she felt desperate in search for any welcoming, loving face. Someone who she could cling to and find comfort in. So, swiftly her eyes caught sight of a familiar, very welcomed, very much loved face. It was Ten. Her Doctor. And he caught sight of her just as soon as she did. He beamed widely, completely unaware of the danger he was in by holding the hand of the elderly man's. He simply let Yana drag him through the hall while smiling away at ease. Oh, how it broke Wanda's hearts in knowing his smile would not last.

The Doctor, as he rushed by while still being dragged along by Yana, reach out and snatched up Wanda's hand. Beginning to drag her along with him to join the quick jog through the hall. She felt how gentle and loving the Doctor squeezed her hand. She could not help but smile warmly while she kept up in the fast pace with him. She knew why he was acting in such a way around her. It was because of this current Doctor was still recent from their first time bonding. In this moment, their true relationship was still new (and still, always will be, growing) to him. So, just as she had been during the early moments after their bonding, he was still rather giddy about it all. Not that Wanda herself did not feel giddy as well. She would always feel that way when it came to being with the Doctor.

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