Chapter 60: Sweet Dreams

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Loud blaring suddenly woke up the blonde laying in bed. Emerald eyes peeked open. Though just barely as the woman squinted in annoyance at the annoying alarm on the end table next to the bed. Her hand came out from under the lilac covers, hitting the digital alarm clock to shut the stupid alarm off. With a sigh, she pulled her arm back under the covers and snuggled down deep into the bed. Nice and warm. Cosy. That was what she wanted right now. To just sleep and sleep and not think of whatever came of the day.

As she began to drift off back into slumber, a male hand slowly crept over her shoulder before roughly grabbing her and pulling her over. She let out a yelp as she was pulled on top of a warm body. Lean arms wrapped around her as an amused chuckle rumbled in the bare chest under her. She groaned, hitting the person who held her playfully. This only made them chuckle more.

"I was asleep, John," grumbled the blonde.

"Exactly. That's why I had to give you a wake-up hug," laughed her husband. He gave her forehead a kiss. "Come on, Alice, time to get up."

The blonde, Alice, looked up at her husband with a pout. The smug grin on his face only made her roll her eyes. Soon she was smiling as well, leaning up to kiss him. Their lips melded together tenderly as their hands ran over each other in a caress. She threaded her fingers through his floppy dark hair with one hand and the other thumbed his rather large chin happily. While he rubbed a hand up and down one of her arms, and his other travelled slowly downward. Alice let out a gasp, pulling away from their kiss while John waggled his brows teasingly.

"Oh, I see, you woke up be just to get frisky," she said, hitting him lightly in the chest while he chuckled in the back of his throat.

"Well, they do say it's always best in the morning," he replied huskily, pulling her down for another long, heated kiss. They broke away very quickly when their bedroom door burst open and a pair of light feet padded against the hardwood floor. Next thing they knew a small figure with messy brown hair jumped into their bed.

"Mummy! Daddy! Santa came! Santa came!" cried their child merrily. They smiled as their daughter bounced up and down on the bed, grinning at them with a bright smile.

"Oh? Did he?" laughed John as he sat up, beaming away along with his daughter.

"Yep! There's presents everywhere! He filled the house!" squealed their little girl in delight, her brown eyes shining bright with glee.

"Filled the whole house? Sounds like you've been a very good girl this year, then," Alice said happily, grinning away playfully. Their five-year-old daughter, Ember, giggled while bouncing on the bed some more before jumping off.

"Come on, come on, come on! It's Christmas!" Ember squealed as she ran out of the room. The two adults left in bed chuckled in delight.

"So much for my Christmas present," John mumbled as he wrapped his arms around Alice from behind, kissing her neck slowly.

"Maybe later," replied Alice, smiling as they kissed. "Merry Christmas, Mr Smith."

John smiled and snuggled up closer to her. "Merry Christmas, Mrs Smith."


The family of three spent the morning in their small, cosy home opening presents and enjoying time together. Alice watched in amusement from the sofa, with a warm cup of cocoa in her hands, her husband and daughter playing together on the floor by the Christmas tree. It seemed they were more interested in decorating each other with leftover wrapping paper and bows than actually playing with the presents. Ember kept giggling as she placed all the sticky bows she could find on her father. Even placing one right on his nose. Alice and John's eyes met for a moment, grinning away at each other without a care in the world.

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