Chapter 43: Dancing Doctor

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I think this is the longest chapter yet


The group backed up, gathering together as the many infected people got up from their beds, slowly making their ways towards them. Wanda and Rose grabbed each other's hands at the same time, ready to protect the other at a moment's notice.

"What's happening?" Rose asked the Doctor, trying to see if he knew and had an idea on how to stop from whatever was happening. Even though she had no clue on what exactly was going on, she still felt it in her gut that it was nothing good. The Doctor did say that human DNA was being rewritten. That was never a good sign.

"I don't know," the Doctor answered her, eyes whipping around rapidly as he tried seeing a route of escape for them. He edged back as the 'mummy' calling people drew closer to them. "Don't let them touch you."

"What happens if they touch us?" questioned Rose as she feared for the worse. The Doctor glanced back at her, then nodded at the gas-masked people.

"You're looking at it," he replied gruffly. He scooted back, feeling his arm brush against another's. He glanced back, seeing Wanda just there next to him. Her eyes wide and fearful as she stared at the empty gazes of all the patients coming towards them. Swallowing thickly, the Doctor felt . . . compelled to rid her of her fears. But how? He glanced back at the patients, suddenly getting an idea. He stood a firm step forward, getting up close to one of the closest patients as he stared them down strictly. Placing his hands behind his back, he held a firm stance, bracing himself against them.

"Go to your room," he barked out in a strict order. He kept his eyes ablaze in stern anger, staring all of the patients down as a parent would when reaching their limit in patience. "Go to your room!" At the same time, in sync, the patients' heads tilted to the side, as if unsure on why he was so angry with them and what or why he was ordering them around. The Doctor merely kept up his fierce charade. "I meant it. I'm very, very angry with you. I'm very, very cross. Go. To. Your. Room!"

Thrusting his arm out, pointing harshly up towards the ceiling, indicating towards an imaginary room for the patients, the Doctor's expression and demeanour stayed severe as he stared all down. Eyes unmoving or sympathetic in any way. There was a long moment of tension as Rose, Jack, Wanda, and even the Doctor, waited for a reaction from the patients. Then, very slowly, with heads hanging in glumness, the gas-masked people turned back around. Shuffling their feet as they head back to their beds, appearing highly dejected from their 'punishment' and 'scolding' from the Doctor. After seeing all of the patients getting back into their beds, the Time Lord dropped his arm, letting out a sigh in relief.

"I'm really glad that worked. Those would've been terrible last words," he joked as he smiled at the three standing behind him. He felt a strange wave of warmth go through him as he saw Wanda smiling brightly at him in return. Emerald eyes lit up in ease as her fears were gone because of his quick thinking. He turned away, ears growing pink as he tried ignoring his pattering hearts. Setting his face into a hard expression, he felt his temper rise at the stupid reactions he was going through while around the Time Lady. Something that had been irritating him for a while now.

"Well, that was close," Jack laughed lightly, hoping to lighten the mood somewhat.

"Yeah, real close. Hate for you to lose that pretty face of yours to a gas mask, huh, Smexy?" Wanda joked, bumping her hip against Jack's before walking away to stand beside the Doctor. She went to say something to the Time Lord, but he suddenly marched away from her, seeming to fume over something or another. Frowning, she shook her head, wondering why he was in such a bad mood lately. Was it really because of her? She knew how he never liked any incarnation of her other than her Second self. But did she really irritate him that much?

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