Chapter 17: Prisoner Zero

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The trio walked past all the people who were taking pictures and videoing the sky. Amy could only raise a brow in perplexity at everyone's reaction to what was happening, while the Doctor scoffed and rolled his eyes. Typical humans. Yes, let's video tape the end of the world. That is the way to go out with a bang. His eyes darted over suddenly when his mind jumped to the most bizarre occurrence of the day. Something to which was completely out of place.

Suddenly, the Doctor gave himself a sharp slap on his head when he realized what he had been missing from earlier. He had seen it, but had gotten distracted when Wanda had been talking with Amy. It was a male nurse, in his early to mid-twenties, wearing light-blue scrubs and had on a plaid white and gray jacket. He stood a ways from the rest of the humans, facing away from the strange sight of the sky. Something to which a normal human would be interested in looking at. But instead, this male seemed to focus on getting a picture on something else entirely. And the Doctor knew what exactly.

Before the Time Lord could exclaim to the two companion girls beside him to get to the nurse, Wanda let out a loud squeal of delight, dropping her apple to run at full sprint towards the male nurse in scrubs.

"Rory, Rory, Rory!" she exclaimed rapidly in happiness. The male nurse stumbled as Wanda suddenly threw her arms around him from behind, practically leaping up and kicking her legs in the air as she hugged him and giggled. The Doctor was not fazed in the slightest by this behavior from the Time Lady, having become quite used to it from Third Wanda over the years. He merely walked around the bewildered Amy and grabbed the mobile from the stuttering nurse's hands.

"Uh . . . hello?" Rory said to the giggle blonde girl hugging him, craning his neck around his shoulder to look at her. "C-can I help you?" He glanced at the Doctor as well, wondering why exactly the man had taken his mobile.

"Sorry, sorry," Wanda said, jumping down from Rory's back and stood in front of him. "Got a little over excited there. I'm just happy to see you again." She beamed, bouncing lightly on her feet as Rory continued to blink at her.

"The sun's going out, and you're photographing a man and a dog. Why?" the Doctor questioned the nurse rapidly, handing back the male his mobile in his still open hand. The man with floppy hair and ragged clothing was looking at him in demand while the blonde girl continued to only smile happily. Rory saw Amy coming over to him in the corner of his eye, so he quickly turned to her for answers.

"Amy?" he questioned the ginger girl.

"Hi!" she exclaimed, plastering on a smile upon coming up to him. As though she was greatly on edge at the moment. Rory was not sure if it was from what seemed to be occurring in the sky, or possibly the two people standing in front of them. Smiling in uncertainty, Amy grabbed Rory's arm as she looked to the two Time Lords. "This is Rory, he's a friend."

"Boyfriend," Rory corrected her.

"Kind of boyfriend," Amy muttered, appearing to be embarrassed to state clearly that Rory and she were together. Rory's face dropped slightly in disappointment though did not look too shocked by this. Almost as if he was used to Amy dismissing them being together as a couple.

Wanda stared at the girl in curiosity, wondering why the girl seemed to wish to deny her being with the nurse. She did not remember that happening in the show. From what she recalled, Amy had been happy to have Rory as her boyfriend. But here, Wanda had noticed some things in the past in how much in denial Amy seemed to be about her and Rory's feelings towards each other. It was strange in how much different Amy seemed to treat the early relationship between herself and the nurse compared to the show in Wanda's world. What had changed in this universe to make their relationship different?

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