Chapter 6: Gwyneth's Insight

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"First of all, you drug me, then you kidnap me—and don't think I didn't feel your hands having a quick wander, you dirty old man!" barked Rose angrily at Sneed as she waved a cane at him.

They had moved into the living room of the house where a nice cozy fire spread a relaxing blanket of warmth around them. Sneed currently sat on an armchair, looking very disgruntled by Rose's angry rant at him. Gwyneth glanced at the raving girl every second or so as she prepared some tea for everyone. Dickens sat at the small dining table; drink his own cup of tea. The Doctor and Wanda stood by the fireplace, watching the scene of Rose's scolding in amusement. Wanda keep snickering, feeling greatly proud of her friend telling the old man off. She glanced at the Doctor, surprised to see him hold a similar grin. Though, she wondered if it was more because he simply enjoyed seeing someone be yelled at. Most likely from the way he was not really looking at Rose, but more of the peeved expression of Sneed's face.

"I won't be spoken to like this!" retorted Sneed crossly at Rose.

"Then you stuck me in a room full of zombies," Rose continued on, glowering to the old man. "And if that ain't enough, you swan off and leave me to die! So come on, talk!"

"It's not my fault! It's this house!" Sneed yelled. This seemed to be more of a slip on his part for he appeared to regret saying this, giving a small wince upon exclaiming his words. He glanced around everyone nervously as they all stared at him. "It always had a reputation. Haunted. But I never had much bother until about three months back, and then the stiffs," Wanda shot him a disproving gaze upon this term, making Sneed clear his throat, " . . . the, um, the dear departed . . . started getting restless."

"Tommyrot," muttered Dickens, taking a sip of his tea. Both the Doctor and Wanda rolled their eyes to this. Each Time Lord finding the famous man's clear denial to be irritating, especially after what they had all witnessed tonight.

"You witnessed it!" argued Sneed. "Can't keep the beggars down, sir. They walk. And it's the queerest thing, but they hang on to scraps." Sneed continued on explaining how each walking dead tended to act upon the last wishes or plans as when they had been alive. Gwyneth came around, handing both the Doctor and Wanda their cups of tea.

"Two sugars for you, sir, and a pinch of honey for you, ma'am," Gwyneth told them politely. "Just how you like it." The Doctor gave the servant girl a curious stare while Wanda smiled gratefully.

"Thank you, Gwyneth," she said, giving a very small wink to the girl. Gwyneth nodded and walked off to continue her duties. Wanda sipped on her tea, glad to find it tasted almost like her mother's.

"Morbid fancy," Dickens spoke up, gaining back Wanda's attention. Still, the man was denying all the words of Sneed.

"Oh, Charles, you were there," the Doctor bit out in an irritated tone.

"You can't ignore what's right in front of your face," Wanda added in.

"I saw nothing but an illusion," argued Dickens.

"If you're going to deny it, don't waste my time, just shut up," the Doctor retorted. Famous writer or not, he was not going to put up with a stupid human who refused to see the truth. He turned his attention onto Sneed, ignoring Dickens completely now. "What about the gas?"

"That's new, sir, never seen anything like that," Sneed answered.

"Means it's getting stronger, the rift's getting wider and something's sneaking through," the Doctor stated, more or less speaking his thoughts aloud.

"Something not good," Wanda mumbled quietly, taking another sip of her tea. She dearly wished she could stop this, to say something to make things change from what was to come later. She wanted to tell the Doctor what was truly going on (if he would even believe her) and have him make it so Gwyneth would not die at all. But . . . she had already looked into the possibilities while they had been travelling in Dickens' coach. The only way to stop the Gelth was . . . Gwyneth's sacrifice. Hearts sinking sadly, Wanda could only stare at the ground distantly as guilt swept through her. Remaining emotions from Second Wanda plaguing her.

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