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So I'm going to write the date scene because I find it cute that Louis likes her :)
I walk around the kitchen of my aunts house. "Are you sure I didn't over dress?" I ask Neveah. "For how much money Lou has, pretty sure you're dressed just right." Nev laughs lightly. The door bell rings sending nervousness through my body. "I'll get it!" Hazel hops out of her chair and runs to the door. "Hey Hazel!" Louis' cheerful voice erupts into the house along with Hazel's laughter. I smile as Louis walks in the kitchen holding Hazel on his hip. "Wow..." He looks at me. "Am I over dressed? Its just I asked Nev if I was but she said I wasn't." I hide my face in my hands. "You're dressed perfectly fine." He pulls my hands from my face.

"Reservation for two, Tomlinson." He smirks, with his arm around me. I blush and let Lou lead us to our table. "Ah! Louis!" A tall man with blonde hair. "Damion! What up!?" Louis smiles and stands up. "Should've known you would be here with a girl. First time in a long time." He smiles. "Harry was not a girl." Louis glares at him. "I know, I know it's just strange to not see him by your side. You two were inseparable, it was crazy. " Damion shakes his head. "Please just hush about him." Louis begs, sitting down with me. I sigh and grab a water bottle from my bag. "Oh are you thirsty? Damion make yourself useful and get us some water." Louis snaps. I wipe my mouth and put it away, "Sorry, I got dizzy and I get dehydrated easily." He nods, "Something to know on the first date." I laugh lightly. "Maybe I'll tell you more later." I smile. "There will be another date?" Lou asks. "If you want." I smile.

Nev's Point Of View
"Hazel, lets get in the bath babe. We had a week and you could use a bath since you decided to go outside and play around in the mud." I walk her upstairs and start the bath water. "Can I bring Danty?" She asks, holding her rubber duck named 'Danty'. "Yes. You can. That's what rubber ducks are made for!" I laugh. She climbs in the tub and I grab my phone.
New text message
I open the text and smile, 'Thinking about you and our babies, I don't know if you're still awake but I love you.' I quickly reply 'I'm awake, I'm just bathing Hazel and I love you too. How was the first concert?'
Calum: It was great! So many fans they all loved us!
Nev: That's wonderful! How'd the guest drummer do?
Calum: Not as good as Ashton at our songs but he'll do for the time being.
Nev: I miss you lots babe.
I wait for a response while cleaning Hazel up.
Calum: I love you too and if you ever need more confirmation, remember what I said the day before I left.
I smile and lift Hazel out of the tub, wrapping a towel around her body. "Come on, let's go get in our jammies." I guide her to her room.

I lay in bed, happy that I got her to sleep without Calum talking to her before bed. I decide to Skype Calum. Where is all started, our romance, our happiness, our friendship, our life in general. This app is the best app for helping me get Calum to fall in love with me. "Hey babe!" He cheers. "Hey my lovely idiot." I smile. He laughs and blows a kiss, "I can't wait to come home and see you guys! I can't wait to see the munchkin. When do you find the gender out?" I shrug, "I'll go to the doctors in a few weeks and see." He laughs softly, "Yeah, just don't forget security because if you don't you and Hazel will get mobbed. It always happens to famous people no matter how different you think." I huff, "But I'm not famous." He laughs and whispers something to Michael or Luke, "But you are famous babe. You're the most beautiful wife on the earth. My fans even think so! You're also living with me, so they'd do anything to get closer to me. Just take security." I get Hazel dressed and brush her hair. "Okay, I will. Want to talk to Hazel?" I ask him. "Yes! What kind of question is that?" Calum cheers. I hand the phone to Hazel and start to fishtail braid. "Hi daddy!" She smiles. "I love you too." I watch as her face lights up. "I'm just getting my hair branded." She giggles. "Don't you mean Braided?" I laugh. "Whatever mommy." She giggles.

I lie in bed, 3 am. Night 3. I'm miss him bunches. I curl into the blankets and breathe in his scent. His musk and his axe scents. My mind filling with happiness now that I can smell him. I open my eyes and find a sleeping Calum resting next to me. I reach for him and my hands go through his body. "Huh?" I look at my hands. Calum's eyes open slowly. "Wake up, Nev." He keeps yelling, alarming me. "What?!" I worry about why I couldn't hold him. He starts shaking me, and I snap awake. "Nev! There's a tornado!" Via yells. I get up and run for Hazel, "Where is she!?"

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