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"Mommy?" Hazel whispers. I feel Calum climb over me and answer her, "Yes sweetie?" He asks. "I'm thirsty." She whispers. "Okay baby girl." Calum grabs her water bottle. I smile and sit up. "Awe did I wake you?" Calum asks. I shake my head and glance at Hazel. I kiss her forehead and smile, "You'll be okay." She nods and sips from her water bottle. I sit next to Calum at he holds me. "I love you." He kisses my cheek. I smile, "I love you so much more." He huffs. I put her water bottle on her side table and sit with her. "I'll wait with her. You go to sleep babe." I ruffle Cal's hair and kiss him. He cuddles me, not going to sleep, "I'll stay up with you." I look at him, "No. go to sleep. I'll wake you up in four hours." I lay him down and Kiss him once again. I rest my hand on my stomach and smile, "You're all so perfect." I smile at the 3.

I shake Calum awake and smile, "Your turn babe." I look at Hazel and her eyes slightly droopy. "She's almost asleep so you won't have to stay up too long." I lie down. "Okay babe, go to sleep." He kisses me. I smile and shut my eyes.

I wake up and check my phone. "4 am." I sigh. I look over at Calum who's sleeping ever so quietly. His phone on the other hand is not. I pick it up and scroll through the many notifications on his lock screen. All from Michael.
M: Bro I heard what happened.
M: Are you okay?
M: I can always come over and help.
M: I think you should tell the fans, they can be another healthy support system and they could donate to the cancer research.
M: Dude, we all want to be there for you. We'll be there at 10 tomorrow.

I know his password, we share that with each other. I'm just not the kind of girl to go through his whole phone. I know how defensive boys get over their phones, that's why I've never chose to do it with Calum. I shake Calum awake, but not to hard to fully wake him. "Mhm?" He murmurs. "We should tell your fans. They could help us." I whisper. He nods and pulls me in to cuddle with him. "I love you." I place my hands on his that are resting on my stomach. "I love you so much. Along with our two babies." He whispers. I snuggle into him and shut my eyes.

Calum's Point of View.
I wake up and get out of bed slowly and quietly, trying not to wake Nev or Haze. I walk downstairs and unlock my phone. Multiple messages from Mikey with 1 minute spans between them. That's where she must've gotten the idea. I mean it's a great idea, don't get me wrong but Mikey should know not to text me until I'm awake. I tweet out I'm having a twitcam.

"Hey guys. I thought I should be the one to tell you," I sigh, " Hazel Marie Hood has cancer and Nev wanted you guys to know because you guys would be a great support system and the chances of her living are 50%. We need all the love and support we can get. Nev isn't in the best moods since she found out. I really need you guys to be our glue and I need you to support her and us." My voice quiet because I don't want to wake my babes. "I'll leave a link to wear you can buy our shirts. Only our Pink and black shirts profits will go to cancer research. So buy those." I whisper. I nod and wave goodbye, stopping the live stream. I look at the time and notice that it's 10:45 and the boys aren't here. Bummer. I go into the kitchen and grab a bagel. "Hey Calum?" I hear Nev's morning voice. "Yes baby?" I reply quietly but enough for her to hear me. "Oh. I thought you went out somewhere." She yawns walking into the kitchen. I grab her by the hips and kiss her forehead, "Nope. Wouldn't leave without tell you." She smiles and turns her body to face me. "Why are you so perfect?" She asks me. "Well, I wasn't until you came into my life." A smile grows on her face. "You're the perfect one here. I'm just a product of it." I whisper in her ear. She kisses me and grabs a half of my bagel. "We're here!" Ashton announces himself. "Hush! Hazel is sleeping." I hush them. They quiet down and sit on the couch. "We heard... well saw you told the fans. It's trending on Twitter, Nevaeh and Hazel. It's kinda surprising that they get on it so fast." Luke scrolls through tweets, favoriting and retweeting some. I just imagine the reactions, the faces, the tears, the money spent just to support my baby.

I go upstairs and sit on my air mattress, watching little Hazel's chest go up and down. "I love you." I whisper wiping the hair off her sweaty forehead. She clutches her stuffed animal, and winces. I walk out of the room and go downstairs. "When is her first surgery?" I ask. He looks at his phone, "Three hours." He shrugs. I nod and go upstairs to wake her up. "Come on baby, we have to go." I wake her up and grab a brush. I brush her hair softly to avoid her losing more hair. She smiles and pulls a dress out of her closet, "Can I wear this one?" I smile and nod, pulling her pajamas off.

Nev has her own Twitter now guys! It's @/ nevaehhxxd
Go follow her! ;) lol I decided to do it.

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