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     She climbs on top of me and plays with my wrists. "I promise." She smiles, promising me that she'll last more than twenty minutes next time. I smile at her, pushing hair behind her ear. My hand caressing her cheek, she puts hers softly over mine.
     "Maybe when we go on a camping date weekend?" I smile at her.
     "Calum? Your mom told me you'd be here with your girl-. Oh!" Luke opens the door. She quickly climbs off wasting no time.
     "Nev, this is Luke. My band mate. Then there's Ashton, you know him, and then there's Michael." I introduce them.
      Luke smiles and waves. "We're having a boosting party for the band. If you'd like to come." I smile at her.
      She nods, "When is it?" I look at Luke then back at her, "Tomorrow night, at this very fancy hotel."
     Luke steps into the room, "It's a black tie event. Fancy dresses only." He winks at her, "Or cocktail dresses."
     I pull her closer, "Back off you idiot." She smiles and hides her face in her hands. I kiss her temple and hold her.
     "You two are adorable. All I wanted to do was tell you not to forget about the boost party." Luke leaves the room.
     "It's at 9 tomorrow. I'll come over at 7." I stand and leave.

Neveah's Point Of View
I hurry to the school entrance and rush to my locker. Peoples eyes landing on me, staring at me, whispering as I rush to my locker where Calum stands. I open my locker quick ignoring Calum. "Where have you been, I was gonna drop you off at your classes." Calum start talking.
     "My mom came over to my house. She came and told my dad she wanted to remarry him because she wanted to be closer to me." I stare at him and shut my locker, "Being the smart guy my dad is, he kicked her out and had a three hour long conversation about how you should save your virginity until you're married. I'm guessing because they had sex before they actually got married as I was the mistake. I'm guess he was sending me a message that he thinks I'm a mistake. And that I shouldn't make another mistake." I shrug and walk.
     "You should go to the counselor. I'll tell the teacher you're there. Okay?" He kisses my forehead. I nod and walk the other way.

"Hello, Ms. Harper. Please come in. What might bring you to visit me?" My counselor, Mrs. Faith, asks.
     I sigh, "I'm here to talk it out." She nod and listens. "Okay, I was late for school today and there's a very good reason for it. My mother showed up asking if my dad and her could get remarried but he said no and they had a Long argument and then he talked to me about how having sex before marriage is wrong and that I shouldn't do it because I was a mistake and I think he doesn't want me to make the same mistake. The thing is I already lost my v-card to someone I love and he's making me feel bad about doing so but he's my boyfriend and I shouldn't feel bad." I ramble.
     She nods, "Dear, there's not much I can say but here's what I'm going to say. If you're sure it's gonna last. Go for it. And be safe." She winks.

Sorry for the small update.

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