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I hop in the shower to wipe the Louis off me. Wipe the regret away.

I pull Calum's shirt on my body and get under the covers to gather his scent in my nose. "I'm sorry." I release. I curl up into fetal position and try to fall asleep.

I wake up and pull leggings on and get ready to go to the hospital. "Watch the house please Lou. Via is coming over soon to pack her stuff and go home because she's no longer wanted here." I tell him as I grab my keys and wallet.

"Hey babe. Hazel's sleeping. I was just about to go get some coffee." Calum shuts her hospital door. I nod and hold his hand. "You're wearing my shirt in public. Hot." He kisses my neck. "I love you." I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. "Two grande s'mores frappe." I hand them a 20 and wait for our drinks. "Here's your change. Your drink will be done ASAP." The nice lady at the kiosk tells us with a smile. She looks Calum up and down, aggravating me. "Excuse you. Can you keep your eyes off my husband?" I snap. "Oh. Sorry." She looks away. "Damn. Protective much?" He smiles at me and kisses me. "I wouldn't leave you for the world." He whispers in my ear.

I sit down on the bench inside the Disney store. I look down at the wet stain on the floor and my legs. "Calum!" I yell. He runs from the cash register to me, "What wrong?" He asks. "I think my water just broke..." I breathe as much as I can. "MY WIFE IS GOING INTO LABOR." He yells. Why you ask we were in the Disney store. Well we were going to get a bunch of stuffed animals for Hazel and maybe two or three for the babies but eh. Yes, I said Babies. We're having twins, I just don't know the gender. Calum knows but I didn't want to know.

I sit in the room with Calum knowing my little girl is all alone in the hospital room. "Call my dad please." I ask Calum. He nods and pulls his phone out.

"I called and told him her room number. He'll be there soon." Calum smiles. "You're 7 centimeters dilated," the doctor enters the room, "You should be ready to go soon." I smile, "Thank you."

"Alright! You're ready to go into labor. Lets go." The doctor rolls my bed down the hall, Calum running along side if me.

"It's a girl!" One doctor yells.

"Come on, push!" The doctor yells. I push harder. "It's a boy!" The other one yells. "Yes! A boy!" Calum dances around. I try to breathe normally and wipe the sweat from my forehead. "What do you want to name them?" I hold the babies. "Can we name the boy Andrew?" Calum asks. I smile and nod, "Andrew Ethan Hood and Alexandrea Estella Hood." {you have no idea how long it took me to think of these names.} "They sound wonderful." Calum kisses my temple. "Mr. Hood, please come fill out their names." The doctor smiles.

I open the nursery door and smile, "When did you do this?" I look at Calum and adjust Alex in my arms. "I did it over a time span of every night while you were sleeping. It was hard cause sometimes I woke Hazel up and she wanted to help and she would not be quiet." Calum tells me, lying Andrew in his crib. I lie Alex in her crib. I smile and pull the bars up. "Sleep tight baby girl." I tuck her tiny baby stuffed animal under her arms. "Sleep tight handsome." I do the same with Andrew.

"I love you Calum." I hug him. "Where are you going?" He asks, holding my hand. "The hospital. I need to go see Haze." I tell him. "No no. Go to sleep. You gave birth for ten hours and I think you should really get some sleep." He walks me upstairs. "But I have to see her." I push against him trying to lie me down. "I'll check with the hospital and get her out until her next one." He tells me. I lie down and hug him, "I love you too, baby."

I wake up and roll out of bed. I run into the nursery and cradle Andrew. "Come on. Shh." I whisper. "Mommy?" Hazel walks into the room. "Where's your dad?" I look at her while lying Andrew on the diaper changing table. "He went somewhere." She says sitting on the floor. "Not helping baby." I change his diaper. "He went with Puke. and Ashy. And Micky!" She smiles. "Okay, thank you. I know what he's doing." I lay Andrew back down. "What's he doing?" She asks. "He's working." I look at her. "Oh. Can I sleep with you then?" She asks. "Yes." I sigh. I grab Alex and feed her.

"Come on let's go to bed." I lead Hazel to my room. I cuddle with her and fall back asleep.

I open my eyes and see Calum climbing in bed. "I was in the studio." He whispers. "Okay." I whisper back and close my eyes again. "Night" He whispers.

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now