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"Nev! I have a surprise!" Calum calls from upstairs. I rush downstairs and look around. "Where is it?" I frown. "We have to go to it." Calum smiles and grabs the car seats for the twins and smiles. "Hazel! Come on baby." I pick her up and walk out to the car.

"Here we are." Calum smiles as he pulls into this huge house on the beach. "No. You didn't." I gasp. "I did. For as fast as our family is growing we needed a bigger house." Calum smiles opening the car door to get the kids out of the car. I open the door for Hazel and she runs inside looking out the window. "It's beautiful." I smile. "I learned when we went away from the little camping trip that you loved this house." He smiles. {Oops guys, if you remember when they got in the car and drove away his parents camping and I didn't tell you where they went, I just did. He took her to this house that he had the keys to. She had fallen in love with it.} "You remembered!" He puts the babies down allowing me to run into his arms. "How did I get so lucky?" I whisper. He laughs, "The real question is how did I get so lucky?" I pull away, "Maybe it wasn't luck but fate." He smiles and pinches my cheek, leaving a tiny kiss on my lips. "Do you like it Hazel?" I ask her. "POOL!" She screams running for it. "Hazel! Later!" I chase after her. "Oh, and I bought all this furniture for us. So the old stuff can go with our old house. The nursery is the same the exact thing as it was in the old house but the walls are pale yellow." Calum explains. I nod and look at him, with Hazel resting on my hip, "Did you bring our clothes here as well?" I smirk, knowing he forgot about it. "Yeah, if Hazel wants to she can go change and swim in the pool." Calum laughs at my facial expression. "You thought I forgot?" He laughs. I sigh, "Maybe. Hazel lets go change." I put her down and she waits for me. Calum follows behind me with the babies as all of us go upstairs. I walk into a princess themed room and smile, "Calum. You did all this for Hazel?" He nods and hugs me, "She's at risk and I thought, the greatest things for a great little girl is to give her anything she desires. If being a princess is what she wants, then being a princess is what she'll get." He kisses me. I smile and go to Hazels dresser, grabbing this cute little pink swimsuit. "Lets change." I smile. Calum exits the room with the twins still in their car seats.

I walk downstairs in my bathing suit, for the first time since the honeymoon. May I say that my body is in good shape even after having 2 kids. Hazel grabs a doughnut tube floatie for the pool and jumps in. The babies are in their swings with visors over their swings. I get in the water carefully and shiver at the fact Calum hasn't started the heated water yet. "Wow. Cute." He snatches me and hugs me from behind. "I'm freezing." I whine, clutching onto his warm body. "How are you so warm?" I wrap my arms around him. "I'm a man." He laughs. I laugh, "No. No you are not." He kisses me and smirks, "Well that's not what you said when," he whispers in my ear, "Made baby number two and three." I feel my cheeks burn up out of embarrassment. "Are you warm now?" He smirks referring to my cheeks. I hear the doorbell ring and I climb out of the pool, pulling a towel over and covering my body. I open the front door and stare. "Hello. We're your neighbors. This is my husband Vince, my daughters, Demi and Emma. They're twin ms but not alike attitude wise. This little fella right here is my 3 year old son, Ethan." A red head smiles. "And you are?" I ask her. The whole dang family is smiling, it's like some family portrait. "I'm Jamie." She reaches her hand out. "I'm Nevaeh. One second I'll go get my husband and daughter." I walk toward the pool area. "Cal, Haze, the neighbors are here. They want to meet you. Come on." I grab them two towels.We all walk toward the door and stand in front of them. "This is Calum, my husband, and one of my daughters, Hazel. I have a boy and a girl but they're twins and like a week old." I shrug. "Oh m double g!!" Emma screeches. "What!?" Jamie asks her. "That is Calum Hood!" She screeches. I sigh, we've blown our cover. "Hi!" He smiles. "Omg I saw you in concert a couple months ago! I was front row with a friend! I tried meeting you but you had to leave and I went home and cried." Emma cries. Fangirls. He does his signing and giving a picture and giving a hug.

I change into pajamas and shut the large door preventing anyone from coming in. Its isn't night time yet, just about to be and I really love how I get to watch the sun disappear below the ocean. I hear the door bell and the babies start crying. "Cal, can you get the door, I have to take care of the twins." I yell. I walk up the stairs and tend to the children. "Honey!" Calum yells. I got the babies to quiet down and I got the changed into jammies. "Coming." I yell. I flick the lights off and walk downstairs. "Hello." I smile at the beautiful brunette in front of me. Its okay to call a girl beautiful, I'm not fucking blind so don't comment. "Hi! I'm Ashlie!" She smiles, her smile just compliments her so well. "I'm Nevaeh." I smile, knowing I've just made a new friend. "Come in, we were about to have a little bonfire tonight." Calum smiles. I nod and walk back upstairs to tuck Hazel into bed because if I know Calum he plans to get drunk. "Hazel! Bed time!" I walk into her room. "Okay." She sighs. I grab her water bottle and half of a melatonin, "Take this, it'll help you sleep baby." She sits up and drinks her water therm washes down the pill. "Sleep tight baby girl." I lay her down and kiss her.

I open the door and let the three other band mates and Kaitlin inside with her child. "You can put him in the pack-n-play in the living room." I tell Kaitlin, shutting the door behind her. "Now all we have to wait for is the 1D guys." Calum says drinking a gulp of beer. "Calum, don't get wasted, we have children in the house remember." I scold him. "I won't drink so much." He groans. He's already partially drunk. I roll my eyes and walk to the kitchen to grab the s'mores stuff.

"I want another sssssss'more!" Calum wraps his arms around me. "Calum, you're drunk. Lets take you to bed." I stand him up and slowly walk to our room. "Lie down baby." I flip the blanket and help him lie down. He kisses me and lies down.

I sit at the fire pit and lean on Lou's shoulder. "You should go to sleep." Luke shrugs. "No, I can't sleep till the party you guys are having is over." I sigh. "Well you'll be up for a while." Michael laughs. I groan and go make a cup of coffee. "Wow." I sip my coffee. 12:30 and they're still going. I hear two bodies slam into the guest room. "Someone's going at it." I sigh. Ive never thrown or been at a party this so small nor crazy.

I walk out to the fire and sit down next to Lou again. "You guys are welcome to stay in the guest rooms but stop the fire and lock the doors when you're done." I yawn. The babies start crying and I sluggish walk up the stairs and down the hall. I walk in the nursery and see Calum feed them bottles. "What are you doing?" I ask him. "Even when I'm drunk I know how to," He hiccups, "care for my babies." I smile at his cure hiccups and grab Andrew and feed him.

They fall back asleep and I walk Calum back to bed and fall sleep with him.

I open my eyes and glare at the ceiling. My phone buzzes, letting me know I got a new email. I look at the time and lie my phone back on the side table. I glare at the ceiling.

Why is this my destiny? I love it and all but why was I blessed with this life. It may have started out rocky but I have a great life. Calum is an angle sent to heal me and show the world that I'm acceptable. He shows the world that he loves me and no one else. I've shown him that I can treat him like the only guy in the world. I try to show and explain how much I love, sometimes it fails to show and I hate that. He always forgives me because he loves me.

Would he forgive me after what I did with Louis?

Bullied By Calum HoodWhere stories live. Discover now