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After he was fully checked on, making sure his body still functioned after his long and taxing stay at that home, he was given a fresh set of clothes. He looked down at the oddest little suit he could wear. It looked similar to a secret agent, or something close to the sort. He shrugged his wandering mind away and put it on, curious as to the purpose of the empty gun holsters.

He shrugged it away and looked in the mirror, fixing his attire and hair. Once he was content he turned to the door, which freaked open. That same doctor approached him and handed him a single pistol to put in one of many gun holsters. "Hey Rebecca?" Y/n questioned as he put it on the right side under his arm.

"Yes?" She had quizzically looked at him, studying him.

"What's with all of these?" He gestured around himself at the empty spaces and she smiled at him.

"You'll probably get more guns as you get there." She replaced with a warm smile, no longer in her creepy lab uniform. "Now let me know when you're ready to get on your way alright?"

"Heh, yeah sure. I'm ready now, didn't have anything on my when I got trapped anyway." She nodded sympathetically and squeezed his shoulder lightly. She helped make sure the gear was on him tight and properly before nodding. "You served in the military or something?"

"I was in a special forces squad when I lived in Raccoon City." She lamented to him sadly.

Y/n frowned and nodded, gently touching her arm. "But it's alright?"

"We disbanded years ago, so yes." She nodded, sending him a warm smile. "Are you ready to get in the helicopter?" Y/n nodded, walking after her when she led him down the hallway. He felt chills races up his spine, eyes on his back as he glanced around.

Though he knew he was alone with Rebecca, something still felt off. He narrowed his eyes and stepped out into the rooftop, putting his hand over his eyes as the brightness returned. Once his eyes adjusted enough for him to climb into the helicopter he fastens the buckle. Being the only person in the flying, metal bird added onto his anxiety.

He felt it lift into the air, his breathing pausing for a moment until they settled out and flew smoothly. He looks at his hands, seeing the way they curled into fists before going straight. Where was he going? Was he in danger? Hundreds of thoughts clouded his mind, making more mental turmoil for him to struggle through. He closed his eyes and leaned back against the seat, feeling the breeze flow through his hair.

A few hours later, he's jolted awake by the feeling of the helicopter landing. He rubbed at his eyes quickly before taking off the belts, standing up with a shaky wobble. He didn't seem to prefer flying it seemed, but he pushed the thoughts aside as he slid open the door. Darkness awaited him, the pale light of the moon shining over a young woman. As Y/n climbed out she smiled and held out her hand, raising her voice to talk over the helicopters loud blades.

"I'm Ingrid Hunnigan! I'm going to be working with you for a while." Y/n firmly shook her hand, looking over her features. She had her dark hair pulled into a high, messy bun and glasses hung loosely over the bridge of her nose. She continued, the metal bird behind the male turning off. "You're Y/n, right?"

"I am yes, are you going to be my partner?" He asked, tilting his head to the side curiously.

"No, I oversee you and your partners missions. Come along and I'll introduce the two of you." She turned, her heels clicking on the cement as Y/n followed behind her from a distance. As they entered and stepped into an elevator he spoke up.

"What am I going to be doing exactly?" He had asked the woman.

"You'll be sent on missions, possibly around the world, to gather intel and assist with problems people need you to." She presses the third floor button and the door closed, going down and worrying the male. "If that makes sense of course, you'll definitely get used to it." He nodded, folding his arms over his chest as he went quiet. "Where exactly did they find you?" She asked him suddenly.

"I'm not really sure where I was or for how long..." he reached up and lightly scratched at the back of his neck. "I wish I knew... I just know the underground of the place was huge and it had this really weird looking dead courtyard..." he sighed and crossed his arms again. "I don't even know who took me from the place or why."

"We weren't told much, just that you'd make a good candidate for the job so we sent you an invitation. It's going to be nice working with you, maybe we'll even learn more about you." She sent him a warm, welcoming smile.

Y/n found his lips peeking up in a cheeky grin as his e/c eyes turned to the opened doors. A dirty blonde stood there with his arms crossed. "Hunnigan where had you gone?" His brow creased slightly as he noted the calmly of the male beside the woman. "Who's this?"

"This is Y/n, he's going to be working with you on a few of your missions so he can get used to it." She began, but seemed to carefully select her words. This didn't go unnoticed by either male as they both sent her a suspicious glance.

"I don't need to babysit some kid." Leon retorted, his blue eyes staring down the slightly shorter male.

"Please Leon... it's only temporary and I'm sure he can take care of himself on his own..." her voice sounded much like a tired mother, consoling her angry toddlers. Y/n smiled a little and stepped out, holding out his hand.

"I'm Y/n L/n, and it's going to be a pleasure to work with you for the time being Mr....?" Leons eyes softened and he rolled his eyes, shaking his hand.

"Just call me Leon."

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