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(I may change the title name, but I'm not sure what to change it to)

Quickly down a dirt pathway, Chris drove without removing his gaze once from in front of him. Hearing the crunching gravel beneath the tires as he zoomed down the road. "I should have seen it coming... It didn't take long after the fall of the Umbrella Corporation for their bio weapons to end up in the hands of terrorists." He glanced out the window to his left briefly. "A new era of bio-terrorism descended upon vulnerable countries, shifting the balance of power throughout the region." He picked up his speed and went faster down the road. "People in the destabilized areas soon feared another incident like Raccoon City was inevitable. As panic spread, governments of the world turned to the Global Pharmaceutical Consertium, which formed the anti-terrorism unit. BSAA." He drove into a small town after slowly down slightly, becoming careful. "Operatives of the BSAA were sent to infiltrate and neutralize bio terrorist hotspots, restoring safety and stability to various regions around the globe." He pulled to a stop and pulled off his glasses.

He stepped out and got into the back of the truck. A woman began approaching swiftly behind him. "Welcome to Africa." She greeted calmly. Chris swiftly turned to her, seeing the calmness in her eyes. She smiled slightly and tilted her head to the side, almost like a shrug. "My name is Sheva Alomar."

"Chris Redfield." He replied as the two shook hands.

"Your reputation proceeds you, Mr. Redfield. It's an honor."

"Just Chris, thanks." The brunette replied calmly. "So will you accompany me to the destination?"

"Yes. Tensions are running high ever since the change in government."

"I'll bet. Intel says it's a haven for terrorists now."

"And they're not gonna be happy to see an American. BSAA or not. That's why I'm your partner; help put them at ease."

"I'm sure you'll do just fine..." with that he half smiled and she turned, leading the way. "Partner...." He mumbled solemnly. His mind went back to the empty graves of Jill and Y/n, which left pains of guilt heavy in his chest.

Sheva paused a small step away and turned back to face him. "You OK?"

He turned to her, pulled from his thoughts. "Yeah, sorry... It's nothing. Let's go." With that the two of them pushed forward to a large gate where the man standing there was a little more handsy searching Sheva.

"You don't have to get touchy." Sheva barked, tossing the man's hands off of her with disgust. She showed the man her badge and turned back to Chris. "Let's go." With that they stepped around the soldier and entered into the next area, Chris' internal monologue still raging on.

Along with all the people glaring ruthlessly at Chris, the two continued walking. "This is Kirk. Chris, Sheva, can you read me?"

"Chris here. Coming in loud and clear, Kirk."

"Yes, we read you."

"There's a black market weapons deal going down in Kijuju. That's where Irving will be. Alpha Team has already infiltrated the area and you will be going in as backup." He explained a few other things before they suddenly noticed everyone else in the little square of gone.

They went forward and Chris kicked open a door, revealing a man with a head scarf wrapping around his head. "Good. You're both here. Come." With that they followed the man into the next room. "You two. This way. It may be because of the new government," he began as he walked through. "But people around here are a little on edge." He turned around to face them. "You should do what you came here to do and go home."

"Yeah, they really roll out the red carpet for us Americans." Chris joked, Sheva momentarily turning her head to look at him before following the man. At the back of the room the man moved and gestured to the briefcase.

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