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After they ate Leon kept feeling his gut drop as he counted the seconds on abated breath. Hunnigan approached them while they talked about where they thought he would go. Leon's heart raced when she sent him an inquisitive glance before addressing Y/n. "Are you ready to go?"

Leon saw the sadness appear on his face, reaching out and grabbing his hand to tell him it's alright. Y/n nodded and sighed softly. "Yes I'm ready to go..." The two walked with the woman to the elevator and Hunnigan sighed, shaking her head.

"Leon what are you doing?"

"I wanna see him off... He was my partner after all.."

"Yes I understand, but for the passes month the two of you have been avoiding each other and now all of a sudden you're buddy buddy?" She asked, eyeing the two harshly.

Leon gently hugged the male from behind, resting his head on the shorter male's. "I asked-"

"Begged." Y/n retorted.

Leon sighed, "begged him to let me speak to him last night and talk and... now we're gonna try a relationship..."

"That sounds a bit toxic Leon..." She spoke with a sigh. "But, if you can work out then I'll support you both."

The dirty blonde smiled and Y/n just shyly nodded. Hunnigan pressed the button for the roof and the doors closed them inside. The two men felt anxious about the separation, but held faith that they would keep in contact. As the doors opened it showed the helicopter ready to fly.

Leon and Hunnigan walked him to the metal bird and Y/n set his bag down inside, turning around to say his goodbyes. "It was nice serving with you Y/n, even if it was only for a short year and a month."

"Yeah..." He replied shyly. "I appreciate your kindness." She nodded and turned, walking and standing outside the elevator waiting on Leon.

The dirty blonde played anxiously with his hands. "I... I love you..." Even though it came out a mere whisper Y/n heard it and smiled.

"I love you too Leon... *He leans up and gently kiss his cheek. "I'll keep in touch."

"Me too..." He replied and gently hugged the male tightly for a minute, then reluctantly let him go. "See you round kid."

"Heh see ya later old man~" Y/n teased, laughing softly.

"I'm not old..." Leon whined.

"And I'm not a kid~" He replied, laughing with the male after a moment. "Ah I should go so we have enough fuel to get over the terrain!" He laughed a little nervously and climbed into the helicopter, taking a seat with his bag by his feet. He waved goodbye to Leon and Hunnigan as they watched him ascend and leave them for a while.

Leon sighed and turned to the woman, biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself calm. "It's hard to see him go," The woman began softly. "I know what you're feeling Leon."

"No you don't..." He retorted, visibly upset.

"I can tell that you really do love that boy. And I think it's cute. But why didn't you tell him this stuff sooner?" She asked him.

"Because he kept running away..." Leon replied sadly, his chest feeling heavy. "Let's go back inside..."

"Alright..." With that the two entered the elevator. Leon's device buzzed and he pulled it out of his pocket to see a message from Y/n.

Kid: I just remembered something from my past...

Leon: What was it?

Kid: That man... Blaze right?

Leon: Yes why?

Kid: He's in my memory... from before I was found... we were childhood friends... I wonder why he didn't ask about it...

Leon: Maybe he couldn't tell from how you acted skittish around him that you didn't remember him at the time?

Kid: Yeah maybe... hm... oh well I'll have to ask about it later I guess.

Leon quickly changed Y/n's name to Darling before reading the male's message.

Leon: I could ask Hunnigan for his number for you if you'd like?

Darling: That would be nice, yes please.

Leon: Anything for you

Darling: Oh you spoil me!

Leon laughed and shook his head, not getting or sending any more messages for a bit. He turned to Hunnigan, who watched him with a raised brow. "What? It's Y/n..." He answered her internal question. "Oh and you know Blaze Youi right?"



"Need his number for Y/n?" She finished first him. The dirty blonde nodded and Hunnigan sighed. "I'll see what I can do when we get downstairs."

"That's all I can ask for. You're the best Hunnigan." She smiles a little and shakes her head slightly.

Few Hours Later!
Y/n had fallen asleep, head resting on the wall while his phone lay on his thigh. He felt the helicopter touch the ground and startled himself awake. He looked around anxiously, disorientedly as he stood up and stepped out. The darkness comforted him as he slung the bag over his shoulder.

He was looking at the ground and slowly lifted his head, nearly dropping his pack as Blaze stood proudly before him. "So I got a call a minute ago..." He began and stepped closer, catching the male by his shoulders. "Do you really remember me?"

"Kind of... Just that we were childhood friends... but that's all I can remember..." Y/n admitted.

Blaze nodded and let him go. "That's okay, I'll try my best to help you remember without overloading your brain." That, the shorter male could agree to. He led him into a building filled with bunk beds. The male frowned slightly and looked around.

"Is this where I'll be?"

"Hm? Oh nah this is where our newest recruits or people who wanna bully their squad mates sleep. We call it a punishment room." Blaze explained. Y/n nodded calmly, following the brunette into a hallway with room on either side of in all the way down. He stops at a room that has his last name along with Y/n's. "I begged the commanders to let me have you in my room. You'll begin first thing tomorrow so... you'll need to train a little and make sure to eat. Don't wanna get your ass clobbered..."

"Who am I supposed to duke it out with anyway? I never got told who it was..."

Blaze turned to him after opening the door to their room, along with the light. "Chris Redfield." He answered calmly.

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