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(I was reading through one of my other Leon x Readers and saw how I used to write five thousand words per chapter and I'm going to make attempts to reach that again)

After hours of following the giant beast it slowed down to a stop before a large warehouse, slumping to the ground as steam began to melt on its body as it became the same familiar male everyone knew, coughing up a strange black ooze as it melted from his body. Leaving his body weak with fatigue as he stood up and stumbled towards the door. As his hands touched the door he slid downwards until his knees slammed against the cement. Leon crashing into his back as he caught him falling backwards, the male going limp in his arms. Members from the team begin to pile out of the cars to search the building with guns drawn while Leon hoisted the male up in a bridal carry, his head rolling back and laying against Leon's shoulder as the blonde brought him to the back of one of the cars and carefully laid him down inside. "Everything is going to be okay. I promise." He hesitated to pull himself away, but let out a shaky sigh and ran his hand through his hair before pivoting and heading straight for Chris. "What's our action?"

"Figure out what the hell just happened." He answered honestly. "But first we need to figure out what drew him here, we can't jump the gun on this."

"Starting to not sound like yourself there, Chris." Leon began, trying his best to lighten the mood. "Startin' to scare me."

"Heh, sorry Leon." He replied, shaking his head as he carefully grabbed hold of the doorknob and pushed the door open. As everyone looked inside they simply found a young girl swaying back and forth idly, not noticing the team staring at her. She was humming softly before turning around at the can that fell against the cement ground.

"Who's there?" Her eyes softened as she gazed mindlessly towards the door before she began to run off.

"Hey! Wait!" Blaze called out, rushing past them as he followed quickly after the child.

"Youi! Damnit." Chris grumbled before splitting the large group of soldiers apart and sending them into different area. "Alright, Leon. You're with me. We go in through the front with Jill watching our rear. We brought in Rebecca and she's gonna stay out here to monitor his condition to make sure nothing makes it suddenly spike."

"Yeah..." Leon turned and glanced at the brunette haired woman who held a computer, typing away as she looks back and forth from the screen to the unconscious man. He saw her glance towards them briefly and wave slightly before reaching into the car to grab something. He felt a pang of anxiety swarm in his stomach like blood-lusted butterflies eating away at his intestines. (Fun fact: Butterflies have and WILL drink blood). He turned away and entered the warehouse, feeling the hot air hit his face and a strong stench of decay. His eyes narrowed as he pulled out his pistol from his right thigh, carefully moving to the right side as he located Chris and the rest of the team. His eyes narrowed more as he spotted Chris crouched in front of a corpse that lay idly at his feet, seeing the brunette observing it before the distant sound of gunfire made him stand abruptly. Chris jerked his head to the side and gestured the team to follow after him as the gunfire grew quiet momentarily. They raced forward and hid behind a metal containment box, Leon peeking his head around the corner to see Wesker standing in the center of a large open area, holding Blaze by the throat in the air.

The brunette's legs were kicking under his feet as he had his hands wrapped tightly around the blonde's fingers, trying to pry them loose as he felt the stars biting at his eyes. He closed his eyes and kicked forward with his right leg enough to push Wesker back a step and drop him harshly onto his left side, gasping loudly into the air as he began to cough. "Why can't you stay gone, Wesker?!" He shouted, shifting to hold himself up by his palms before letting his chest rise and fall slowly. "You keep coming back to rear your ugly head, but why? We beat you so many fucking times and we'll do it again any day!"

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