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When the helicopter landed Y/n raced out, getting into the elevator and ditching Leon. The dirty blonde didn't make it to the door in time to join him inside. Instead now he pondered over why the male ran from him so eagerly. His brow furrowed and he looked to the side.

When the doors opened Y/n stepped out and eagerly raced to his room, grabbing a fresh set of clothes and running to the bathroom. By the time Leon got down there, he bumped into Y/n. The two shared a glance, Leon looking over the male's body. "Really? That's what you left me on the roof for?"

"You said I stink." Y/n spat back, pushing passed him to get to the office where Hunnigan waited. Leon stood there silently, staring blankly at the wall down the corridor. After a moment he turned and stepped into the room to hear Y/n discussing what he went through.

Leon sat beside the male and waited until he was finished to start his own experience with the mission. Hunnigan jotted it all down and noted how the two seemed more apart than they were before the mission. Her brow creased slightly, but she remained quiet.

After the mission was filed out and sent off she sent them to their rooms to relax until their next assignments. Leon had asked for Y/n to become his more permanent partner, but had been visibly shocked when the male rejected the offer. As they walked down the hallway Leon chased after the shorter male, the dirty blonde racing away from his own room.

He caught the male by the shoulder and the male stopped in his tracks. "Leave me alone..." He tried prying Leon's fingers off his arm, and Leon's fingers loosened.

"What did I do?" Leon asked, worry and pain in his eyes.

Y/n stares into his eyes before averting them to the floor. "You said it yourself that you're a 'lone wolf'. So go do your thing and I'll be doing mine. Okay?" He pulled his arm from Leon's and began walking towards the lunchroom for dinner. "And besides." He stopped at the doors and turned to Leon. "You stink."

Leon felt his chest ache, unsure why his comment had hurt the male so badly. So he turned his attention to Hunnigan, who had followed behind Leon to ask what happened. "Hunnigan what do I do?"

"Hm, what do you mean Leon?" She asked him, concern flashing in his eyes. "What happened during the mission?"

"I-I don't know and that's the issue. He got tossed around by that B.O.W. And I was so certain he had been bleeding out! But when I checked there was nothing there. I told him we did okay fighting together but that it needed improvement then on the ride back I jokingly told him he stunk... was that it?" Leon sounded almost desperate and that had been admirable to Hunnigan. She smiled at the male and shrugged.

"I'm not sure Leon, but I'll try asking him if you'd like me to."

"Yes!" Taken aback by his swift reply she nodded, walking around him. She paused and turned to Leon.

"Not to be rude to you Leon, but you stink too." The dirty blonde narrowed his eyes as he stepped away from the room, going to his own room to grab clean clothes before running to the bathroom to quickly bathe so he wouldn't miss dinner.

After he finished he raced into the room, finding himself the only remaining person in the room. He sighed softly, grabbing food and sitting down. As he ate he swore he heard whispering from around the room, yet being utterly alone his brow creased and he turned towards the door, finding the hallway outside the room pitch black.

Despite all the trauma he went through, he went back to eating calmly. He trained his ears to listen for any heavier or staggering footsteps that normally he wouldn't expect. To his dismay he couldn't hear anything. Not even soft doorsteps if someone exploring the dark halls. He finished his food and set it in the sink, seeing the people there working quietly to wash the dishes. He stepped back into the large cafeteria to find the hallway lights back on.

Surprise found his face when he saw Y/n staring blankly at him from the doorway. He stepped closer, but paused when he saw the hundred yard stare the male returned. He remained quiet, lips pursed as his studied his face. The shorter male finally blinked, but remained out of it. Leon cautiously continued getting closer to him, reaching out to touch his shoulder as he softly whispered.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" As his fingertips made contact with the males shoulder he was harshly lunged at. With barely any time to comprehend the situation he dragged the male into the hallway and pinned him to the floor. Several people had congregated to watch the two. Hunnigan walked over with surprise written all over her face.

"Leon! What are you doing?!" At this his head shot upwards, loosening his grip on the male.

"He lunged at me first! I'm trying to get him to relax!" Leon defended, eyes glancing around the hallway at the people who glared disappointedly at him. He sighed and got up, pissily storming off. "Fuck this." Hunnigan watched him storm past some people and towards his room.

Her attention turned towards the h/c haired male, who simply laid there limply on the cold tiled floor. He didn't speak, simply remaining quiet as he stared off into space. She purses her lips and turned to the crowd. "Can someone please help me get him to his room? And can another person bring a bowl of cold water and a wash rag. I think he's simply ill." Two girls raced off to get the latter materials while a shoulder length brunette held the male by his waist, arm around her neck. She helped him to his room and laid him on his bed as the girls arrived shortly after.

Y/n glanced around himself quietly, visibly confused at everything going around him. He felt the cool rag be placed on his forehead and slowly started to relax.

A few days after the incident and the two hadn't spoken a word. Y/n sat in a corner table, quietly looking at Leon from time to time. The dirty blonde seemed upset, but ultimately concern burned in his chest. After a few hours he caved and approached the male, speaking as calmly as he could manage. A bit of irritation filtered through, and Y/n looked innocently at him. "What happened?"

"I-I don't know... I just know that I was walking to my room... then the lights turned off and... Hunnigan thinks the reason I attacked you was from my passed trauma where I was trapped in the dark for days is what urged me to act out... I'm sorry if I hurt you or your reputation..."

Leon sighed and sat down next to him, drinking from his coffee. "It's alright, I'm just glad you're okay. How'd you like being pampered by the women here?" He asked with a sly smirk.

Y/n glanced at him with the innocent face a puppy might have given him. "It was okay I guess..."

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