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(He's so small)

A few days later and he was put in a housing unit with Jill. Having nothing better to do they began getting to know each other more and more. With no visitors they began changing the home around them to suit a combined, but ultimately similar look. There would be nights where Jill would cook meals that tasted better than anything he'd encountered.

He recalled it had been a while since Leon had come last. Busy on more missions, he wouldn't know. His eyes cast downwards at the plate before him and then up to see Jill in a similar position. "Rises the moon." He spoke, catching her attention. "It's a song I learned when I was younger. My mother would sing it to me often."

"Do you remember your mother?"

"Yeah... but it's still a little fuzzy. Like the moment I woke up and was found by you guys... it was weird..."


"You found me...?"

"Ah right. I guess it's my memory being messed with now." She smiled warmly and looked out the window longingly. "Chris isn't coming back."

"What do you mean?"

"I could see it in his eyes. He wanted me out of the game and safe in a home where I'll grow old and die peacefully."

"But that's not fair..."

"I know, but we don't have a choice."

"Neither of us are infected..." He pouted and looked away. "Or... were we?"

"Wesker toyed with the one dormant in me, but I'm not sure what kind of things he did to you." She answered honestly and Y/n accepted that.

After a few weeks the two had grown bored and began leaving the apartment to explore the city they were stuck in. Y/n found himself a tree that he would sit idly in and read books while Jill lay beneath it listening.

Today was special, however, as Y/n and Jill sold the small home they lived in and moved into their own houses. Of course they stayed by each other, not wanting to separate from the deep bond they had. Y/n sat at his kitchen table, fingers tapping as he wondered what Leon was doing. His thoughts were cut short when the home phone began to ring, he stood and lifted it delicately to his ear.

"L/n residence."

"Y/n?" Leon's voice echoed through, sounding relieved.


"Oh? Oh what?"

"I forgot about you." He spoke, though it was obvious to both men he was lying. "I... I hoped you would have visited me more, considering we're together. I don't blame you though..." Y/n glanced around the small home and sighed audibly.

"I wanted to talk to you for a while, but Chris has been keeping me busy. Shortly after you "died" and were found again by Chris he won't stop hounding me. He keeps saying we need to quarantine you both and keep distant to avoid feelings. But..."

"But...?" He continues.

"But I miss you..."

"Then come visit me." Y/n asked, suddenly hearing the line go dead. "Leon?" Upon hearing nothing else he sighed and put the phone back on the receiver as a knock sounded on the front door. "I'm coming!" He briskly approached it and swung it open, freezing at the dirty blonde who stared back at him.

"Our call disconnected." He answered and scooped the male up into his arms and spun them around as Y/n laughed softly.

"I missed you." Y/n began, looking down at his hands. "God we really started our relationship on a horrible note huh?" He and Leon both frowned hearing those words, but felt it was true considering everything that had happened.

"Then let's pretend that never happened and start now. But keep our anniversary the same?"

"You... really wanna do that?"


"Hm... alright sure."

"So then date night?"

"Oh?" Leon saw the sparkle in the others eyes. "You're finally confident to show me off in public?"

"And why wouldn't I be?" Y/n realized the drastic change in Leon from when they first had met and smiled to himself.

"Awe Leon. You don't have to force yourself to change for me." He smiled sweetly, which faltered when Leon shook his head.

"I didn't change just for you, but for myself. I realized a lot of things while you were gone."

"I understand, ah do you wanna just to a movie date night at home?"

"Um... ah no..." Be answered honestly. "I actually made plans for today with you. All day."

"You did?" He smiled once again and kissed Leon's cheek. "That wasn't too much was it?"

"Of course not." Leon answered, quickly leaning forward and stealing a kiss from the shorter male. "Now that wasn't too much was it?"

Shocked, with his lips parted slightly Y/n stumbled over his words. "N-No I-I..."

"I liked that." Leon began calmly, smiling a fool. "I hope it wasn't too much," with that he scratched the back of his neck as a shy chuckle fell from his lips. Y/n's face turned a light pink as he looked down, laughing softly.

"Oh wow you really have changed since I was last next to you," he laughed, looking back into the males eyes. "Maybe you are a twink, Mr. Kennedy."

"Your twink."

"My twink." Y/n repeated playfully, laughing shortly after with the taller male. "Oh my god Leon."

"Too soon?"

Y/n looked deep into his eyes quietly. "Nah," he answered innocently. "So when are you gonna try and get in my pants?"

"It's not working?" Leon answered honestly as watched as Y/n's jaw dropped. He laughed softly and shook his head, taking the smaller man's hand in his. "I'm joking. I can wait as long as you need me to for something like that."

"Oh wow." A heartened sigh left the male as he squeezed Leon's hand. "You'd really wait for that?"

"For as long as you need. I'm a gentle person
Y/n, maybe not on the outside but I am. I know I've been an asshole in the beginning, but I want to help you feel happy. And brave. I want to help you grow and remember things. I want to love you from now and forever. I want to have a family with you one day. Kiss you every morning and hold you close to my body at night. I-"

Y/n put his hand on Leon's mouth and shushed him lovingly. "I get it lover boy. I forgive you, I forgave you that night we slept together in bed. Remember? I remember how you begged me not to get up because you didn't want to see me leave."

"Hush." Leon whined, looking away embarrassed. "Can I come in now?" Y/n stepped aside and let the male in, closing the door behind him.

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