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The male shook his head, briefly closing his eyes as he straightened his back and walked towards the doorway. "I guess now we must escape this death trap alive." He paused for a moment as the wind blew through his hair and down his arms. "I have to get back to Leon."

"I know," Chris answered, shifting his gun in his arms as he led the way inside. As the elevator began to move downwards the two brunette's earpieces began to ring.

"Alpha Team, this is HQ. We've confirmed that Wong was telling the truth. There's a fully armed aircraft carrier in open water not far from your location. Satellite imaging indicated they're getting ready to fire on the mainland. It's imperative that you stop them from launching even a single one."

"Copy that, HQ," Chris replied as he turned back to the male. "You want to help us with this too?"

"You're my ride outta here, got me til then." The two chuckled softly and Chris shifted to even the space out as the elevator reached its floor. They stepped out and the taller male stepped ahead and cracked his knuckles at his sides.

"The bay is just up ahead. Hurry!" Chris called as he broke out into a jog passed the other two men.

"Yes, sir!" Piers yelled, stumbling forward after the two. "This is makin' me seasick. You think this tub is gonna last much longer?"

"I don't want to hang around to find out. Come on!" He called as they reached a door, looking at it to realize that it needed three separate key codes. Both of the remaining men sigh before looking around. Cat-like eyes training slowly on a bloodied body, stepping around and approaching. As he stopped at the beginning of the bloodied mess he noticed a card on the ground, kneeling to pick it up and flash it out behind himself.

"Looks like we aren't the only ones down here that needed these key cards." He muttered softly, lowering his gaze onto the body. "Poor bastard." He stands tall as the other two reach him, looking at the body. Chris opens the door next to them to see a strange grey creature pinning a man down, mouth contorting hideously as it tore into the skin and muscle of the man's face. "I saw that thing with Leon earlier tonight. They move and detach parts of their bodies like a goddamn jigsaw puzzle." He reached down to his holster and picked up his pistol, checking the clip briefly. "I can keep it distracted while the two of you work on finding the other two passcodes."

"Are you sure that's our best option?" Piers questioned, seeing the male turn and narrow his eyes on him.

"You wanna play tag with it? Be my guest." He gestures forward and at Piers' hesitation, he tilts his head sassily to the side. "I didn't think so. Give me a second." He begins to descend the stairs while Chris and Piers exchange a nervous glance.

"Captain? Why are you just listening to him?"

"Because, Piers," Chris replied, watching the male as he caught the attention of the creature and began slowly luring off. "He's not a bad kid. And he knows what he's doing."

"But what if he gets cornered or trapped by it? What then?" Piers asked as he started walking down the stairs after the other male.

"Because he's stronger than he looks and he's a problem solver. He escaped a decently guarded jail cell with ease. Granted he did have help then, but he's evaded us ever since. He outsmarted Wesker on several occasions." He followed after the male as he saw the look from Piers.

"He fought Wesker?"

"Yeah." The brunette stopped at the bottom and looked over at Piers. "He did." Chris jolted when a similar grey creature began to form through the mutilated face of the corpse until it stood tall before them. "Shit."

"We got this Captain, lock in."

Both men ran past the creature and into the next room, looking thoroughly. As they entered the kitchen the ship rocked and knocked over two canisters that caught ablaze within seconds and caused emergency shutters to slam closed and locking the men in the room with one of the creatures. The sprinkler system kicked in and as it lowered the fire they moved around the tables to avoid the creature. Once the fire was out the shutters lifted and the men raced out of the room. They entered the cafeteria and walked up to the door with the lock on, Chris pulling on it with his hands to unlock it. As he pushed the door open with a scratching metallic sound stepped inside and followed the hallway until he found another door. Turning the lock and opening the door to reveal their teammate in the hall with the creature having a stand-down. Chris carefully moved with Piers into a doorway and they paused in front of a double set of doors with the passcode inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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