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The beasts roared loudly into the cool night breeze, sending chills up the team's arms and legs. One reaching with its large claws to swipe the air before the wolf-like monster dodged and followed up with an attack towards the soft spot of the creature's stomach. Blaze watched with horror in his gaze, which one was he supposed to be focused on? Where was his friend? It was in an instant that several explosives went off in the clearing, striking both monsters fatally. One, the giant wolf-like B.O.W. had stumbled backwards towards the treeline, avoiding most of the damage. Though it had pieces of its own flesh dropping to the forest floor with an unsatisfying crunch, sounding out a pained whine as it watched the other beast be torn apart completely from the shrapnel and flames. There had been more than was originally anticipated, he and Alexander had counted only a hundred underground mines, not a thousand. It sunk its body to the ground with a loud crackling, laying it's damaged jaw on its forward paws. Closing its eyes to gather its strength as the flesh on its body began regenerating slowly. Though a painful procedure, it was endured with dignity and calamity. As it opened its eyes it watched as its team slowly stumbled into the clearing to look at the disaster before them.

Trigger Warning: Gore

There were pieces scattered every which way, muddied blood soiling the ground as the team looked at what little remnants were left of the creature. "Jesus Christ..." Parker muttered softly, crouching down to take a sample of the beast. "Might as well learn from what we just dealt with."

"It went with the plan. But what the fuck is that thing?" He asked, pointing to the direction of the giant wolf, or what was hiding in the shadows behind it. "That was not our plan."

Blaze studied the wolf as it slowly opened its oh so familiar eyes. "Is that...?"

"There's no time for questions..." Ava began, already ushering the group to scatter into the woods. The wolf slowly began to rise from the ground, hearing the creature behind it letting out a soft humming snarl.

'This again...' It was pondered in his head as the wolf spread its stance to be more defensive. In the blink of an eye the larger beast snarled and leapt from the shadings, it's sharpened fangs digging into the wolf's side and launching it across the clearing. As it rolled to a stop and promptly got up, eyes glazing over with rage as it let out a disheartening howl, that echoed across the forest and startling birds from their nests. The wolf huffed as it lowered itself towards the ground, preparing itself to leap as the beast rushed it. This was anticipated as the wolf promptly lunged towards the left, dodging the tackle and countering with leaping onto the thing's back. Sinking its claws into the soft flesh, ripping the flesh and muscle tissues beneath the tender skin like a thanksgiving ham.

The large beast howled in pain, trying to reach over it's shoulders to grab at the wolf who sunk its canines into the tender flesh of its neck. Ripping and rearing the skin slowly off of the beast until the bones under everything was visible. Blood dripping down both creatures as the giant ripped the wolf off of itself, taking a thick arterial muscle with it and slamming the wolf repeatedly into the ground before launching it into the nearby trees. A long, slender branch had gone through the lower back of the wolf and showed bloodily hanging out of the front of it. The beast growled with pain as it struggled to kick itself off of the tree, slamming into the dirt once it had gotten free and struggling to bring itself back up to stand. It looked into the eyes of the monster, eyes glazing with regret as it closed its eyes. The ears folding downwards onto the top of its head as relief flowed through the entire body of the creature. "What's happening?" Blaze asked.

"I don't know..." Parker replied, watching horrified at the scene. Their Captain had yet to enter the clearing and it was causing all of them to panic. The world seemed to slow down when Alexander shot himself upwards from the ground, cupping his hands over his mouth and screaming at the top of his lungs. Their Captain's name. "Where is he?!" The male only pointed at the wolf as it was being lifted off of the ground and slammed into another tree branch, howling with pain. "What?!!"

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