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As he opened his eyes he could see a blurry Leon hovering over him, feeling the tender touch of the male. He tried to smile, though his body appeared to forbid it from him as he felt it lurch upwards to latch onto Leon. Sending the blonde haired agent backwards into the cabinet. His brow was furrowed as he was perplexed. He softly called their name and the male felt a lump forming in his throat as his body willed itself to lunge for the blonde, though Leon rolled out of the way in time. "Stop it! What's gotten into you?" He could hear the confusion and worry in the blonde's voice and the lump continued to grow.

"S...orr...y..." Was all he could managed to weakly garble out before his body leapt at the male again. Leon stumbled backwards to his feet, watching in utter horror as the corpse of his lover slowly began to rise until it was swaying before him. Flashed of that night in Raccoon City began to flood his vision and a heavy gasp for breath left his body as he backed himself into the fridge as the body got closer.

"No... Not you..." Hearing this was like a switch had turned off in his brain and the body lurched forward before collapsing to the ground, twitching heavily as the right arm began to mutate. Leon managed to compose himself enough to rush out of the house to warn Chris and the other agents who were gathered around the house when a gigantic wolf shattered the house to pieces with Leon just barely getting outside. He had tumbled over and looked on in horror at the giant beast. Blaze could feel the anxiety in the pit of his throat. He had already contacted Ada the second he heard about Wesker's evident return. The woman was standing beside him with the man's team behind her. They all looked over the beast as it roared loud enough to shatter the glass in the cars around them. Leon looked upwards as the beast lowered its gaze to him, seeing the gaze in his left upper thigh. "No..." Leon mumbled, beginning to push himself backwards towards the circle of agents as the creature moved closer with pieces of the house falling down its slender figure. Fully fleshed out eyes stared into Leon's. The dirty blonde fighting back tears as he watched what was his lover tilt its head before growling.

"Don't do this." Blaze spoke over a megaphone. "We can still save you." The wolf's gaze turned to him, Blaze's contact unwavering as the beast began to approach him. While this form of the wolf was more fleshed out and filled with more tufts of fur much like the previous one, this one was much larger. "Where is he?" Hearing this the wolf's ears perked forward as it lifted itself to its full height and scanned the surrounding area before letting loose an ear piercing howl, sending chills down everyone's spines. "I know he's here! Where is he?!" He shouted, seeing the rage blending with the natural eye color of the wolf. "Where. Is. Wesker!" The wolf snarled before standing bow-legged, shoulders rising and falling as it began to look around. Listening to the wind blowing calmly around it as another voice began to sing from elsewhere through a speaker of some sort. The soothing voice filtered through the air and lulled the beast as it lowered its head towards the ground. 

"Days pull you down just like a sinking ship. Floating is getting harder." Her voice soothed the beast in a way that it could feel its body laying down on the ground, tail wrapping around itself as it rest its head fully into the grass with its eyes closing. Breathing quietly as it listened. "Breathe. Breathe. Breathe....." It ended and the creature opened its eyes to see several men standing around it wearily, the realization of the situation falling against it as it suddenly lurched upwards with a snarl, growling as it could feel the ropes binding it to the ground now. A warning growl was sent towards Leon as he began to approach, reaching out to touch the beast's muzzle. The growling growing louder until it barred its teeth before him, making Leon pause in his steps and wait for the creature to relax. Eyes interlocking and melding together like silvery ivory and the bright blue eyes. The creature laid its head against the ground, weak from fighting. Too tired to stop the blonde's approach as it closed its eyes once again.

"Let me help..." Leon uttered softly as he kneeled next to the creatures neck, hand searching in the thick fur. He could feel the low grumble from the beast, one final warning as he retracted his hand and simply sit there beside it.

As the male opened his eyes he could feel the cool breeze against his skin and screamed loudly into the air as he shot up to his feet, stumbling forward a few feet before collapsing to his knees. "No!" He began to breathe heavily, clutching tightly at his chest as he hung his head forward. "Please no... This cannot be happening..." He lifted his gaze as his eyes turned cat-like and blurred, lifting himself up from the ground. "This ends now... It has to." He shook his head as the wind blew through his hair, stepping forward until he could feel ropes tugging at his stomach and chest, keeping him trapped in place. "No... No...... No please.... Leon!"

 The wolf lurched up from the ground, ropes tearing apart before the soldiers eyes as they saw the creature step forward towards the edge of the circle before it lifted into a full sprint and jumped the entire blockade keeping it in. As it landed the ground shook violently momentarily until the sound of bounding claws against pavement died down. The men all piled, falling over one another as they got into cars to track the beast via a tracker they placed on it in its sleep.

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