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Leon and Helena had spoken to Hunnigan and had Simmons blame everything on them, which left them helpless in the area. Which they trekked a heavily perilous journey through the Simmon's family tomb. Faking their deaths, and smuggling their way onto an airplane heading to China.

Chris sat in the back of the helicopter thinking about his life, the young soldier Piers' sat across from him. Watching him curiously before his gaze turned to the mystery man to his left. "So who are you again?" The male only got a mischievous smirk as a reply. 

"One of the best things alive." Was what he said and he watched as Chris' brow furrowed, watching the man. "Ain't that right Captain?" He chuckled before looking at the city below.

"I don't even know who you are.." Chris muttered back and the smirk faltered.

"Of course not." He leaned back in his seat and adjusted the harness running across his chest. "But it's okay because I'm heading somewhere else when we land so by the time you do remember it'll be like hide and seek." That same smirk lifted his lips again as he leaned forward and glanced out at the city below. "Ah, here's my stop. Cya!" He saluted before letting the wind rip him out of the metal bird, descending extremely fast towards the ground without a parachute. He could see Piers' looking down mortified by him. As he got closer to a building he pulled the grappling hook from the back of his tactical belt and latched onto one of the large signs, swinging his body until he rolled onto the roof. Waiting for a moment he stood up and watched as the helicopter continued without him.

He heard a familiar feminine voice echo through his are piece and an unsatisfied frown tugged at his lips. "We need to get to get to our meet up spot. We cannot afford to mess up this mission. Do you understand?"

He sighed as his fingers rested on the piece while he glanced around himself. "Yeah, I know."

"You've been wanting this for a long time now. We cannot afford to let it go. Think of everything you gave up for this moment."

He felt his throat catch in his throat at the woman's words. She remembered the letter Hunnigan sent him telling him about Leon's death, his eyes softening more as he tightly closed them. "I know..." As he opened his eyes he heard the woman growl in annoyance and go silent. He made his way forward until he stumbled onto the train tracks, looking around as he placed his left foot on the metal. As he felt the vibrations getting stronger he grappled upwards and landed on the top of the train, back pressing against something soft behind him. "Tell me this was a coincidence."

"Hello." Ada greeted with cat-like grace as they both spun around to stare each other down.

"Oh good, it is you." He began, both of them looking up towards the sky as they watched a large airplane crash land. "Well you don't see that everyday." He smiled slightly when the ravenette chuckled softly, shaking her head in response.

"No, you don't. You should go check it out."

"Whaaat? And what? Let you have all the fun taking down Simmons? You're crazy!" He was purely joking, after all. Both of them knew he was dying to find out why it crashed so hard and where. "Okay fine. But wait for me at the actual rendezvous, okay?"

"Got it." He smiled and let out a gasp as she shoved him off of the side of the train, looking up at her in horror as his back collided with the metal tracks and rolling slightly to a stop. Soon the train vanished and he managed to sit himself up, rubbing his shoulders and back as he recovered from the sudden and quick pain that afflicted him.

"Wow.." He rolled his eyes as he groaned, beginning to walk towards the blackened heavy smoke plume. "Tch. Women."


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