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Months of training later and Y/n was ready for another test. Chris took him to an open field, several soldiers positioned around him. Chris had told him that his goal was to take down all the soldiers and get to the next checkpoint. Y/n felt a sudden wave of anxiety crawl up his back and sink into his stomach. He found himself sweating more as he tried to focus, getting small flashes and sparks of memories he'd forgotten.

When the quick training was over Y/n stood in the bathroom at the sink. The water ran cold as he splashed his face, trying to mentally recover. He felt a presence from behind him and turned, seeing no one there save for the door closing. His brow furrowed and he nervously wiped his face. "Hello?" He turned to look further around himself before settling with leaving. He made sure the water was off before making his way to his room.

As he entered he saw Blaze laying idly on the bed, reading a book quietly. The male looked like he'd been sitting there for roughly a few hours now. Y/n sat on the bed and sighed softly. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm alright..."

"I was in the bathroom to check on you, but you seemed out of it and I didn't wanna be knocked out too..." He grumbled quietly as he closed the book, setting it on the dresser that sat between their beds. "I know you had something happen to you..."

"I got these strange flashes... memories I think..." He replied, hanging his head slightly.

"It's going to happen Y/n... When you remember everything you forgot chances are it's going to make you sick to your stomach for a while... There are things in your life you may not have wanted to ever remember... but to get your past back you might have to remember all the trauma..." Y/n didn't enjoying hearing that, pursing his lips.

"I want to remember everything... but part of me feels better off without it..." He sighs and lays back on the bed, legs dangling off the edge and tip of his shoes touching the floor. "What if I was a horrible person?"

"Personally I doubt that. I knew you when we were just children, it's not likely." Blaze argued calmly.

"But what if I was and you never found out about it?" Y/n chirped up, anxiously running a hand through his h/c locks.

Blaze sighed softly and got up, moving over to sit beside the male. "Now you're overthinking the situation. Chances are whatever you forgot wasn't all that important. I'm more curious as to how you ended up in that ruined mansion..."

"I don't know... I just want to go to bed... and forget I even forgot it..." Y/n spoke, whining softly. His head began to pulse, worse than it had ever in his life before. He sat up and clutched tightly to his head, grunting with pain. Blaze gently held onto his shoulders and did his best to calm the situation down while observing the male.

His feet hit the pavement, eyes dancing around the courtyard that had fresh yellow and red roses. He paused at one of the bushes, seeing pure white roses with no thorns in sight. He reach out and caressed one, watching in slight horror as it suddenly turned black and the whole vine decayed along with the others. He stumbled backwards until he hit a pillar, turning and placing his hand on it before a spike plunged from it and through his hand.

Y/n yelled out with agony and ripped his hand off the sharp pike. He looked at the hand as it gushed a dark, sticky crimson that rolled down his wrist. When he'd tugged his hand free he had ripped off his right hands ring and pinkie finger. He stumbled backwards, stepping on a tile of the ground that wobbled beneath him. That's when he heard a low, angry growl from around him. His eyes darted around himself, the hairs on his neck raising as he felt the sudden rush of adrenaline through his veins.

His hand reached to his thigh where his gun was, but before he could even hold up the gun the floor beneath his feet gave out. This caused him to lose his gun on the ground beside the trapdoor and he plummeted through the darkness. He fell for what felt like hours before his back collided with a jagged edge, sending rippling pains up his spine as he slid down and fell several feet until he landed. His stomach hurt as he tried to get up, struggling as he felt every bone in his most screaming against his skin. It felt like his body was on fire as he tried to recover.

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