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As the team climbed into the aircraft they noted how awkwardly quiet it had become between all of them. Feeling a sense of near dread pass through them as they looked between one another, nervously trying to find words to fill in the gaping silence. "So..." Blaze started, breaking the silence first.

"So..." Jill replied anxiously, looking down at her hands as she cupped them together.

"What do we do from here?" Jake asked, sensing the unease everyone seemed to be feeling. "Alright. Okay, sour pouches. Tell me about this guy we were trying to save. How smart is he?"

"He's my best friend.." Blaze answered.

"I suppose we should start that at the beginning.." Leon answered, lifting his head. "He was found underground in close quarters with a monstrous B.O.W. It had flung him around despite having no physical wounds."

"So, he's infected?"

"What? No, at least." Chris started to think on the idea more and more. "Maybe to an extent, we never really did any big tests on him. But it can't hurt when he comes back to us."

"If he is... What's gonna happen to him? We can't let what happened with Sherry and all that testing to happen to him." Leon bargained anxiously.

"It may be our only choice if it really comes down to it, but I don't like the idea either. It just seems cruel to see and test things about the human body. It's cruel to punish a person."

"Sherry was a little girl when she went through all of that pain and hardship. It traumatized her." Leon added.

Jill nodded her head before cupping her hands together. "At least she would have someone who's suffered the same way she had. I mean considering the circumstances he's already been tested on harshly. All of this he's survived. What if it was all a test that Wesker wanted him to go through? The memory loss, the strength. His ability to be deathly injured and not at the exact same time."

"He told you about that? That beast?"

"Blaze did." Jill answered honestly. "We also have to consider Africa. It wasn't a good time for him and I. Even worse for him since he had already been in Wesker's clutches before that day and now he's trapped in them again."

"Wait wait, this guy knew my father?"

"Pretty sure he worked with him and realized his boss isn't a good guy and almost died for it." Jill answered the ginger haired male. Her eyes suddenly locked with his, "But what we don't know is if we are actually safe in this death trap. I mean considering everything we've gone through before and the way Leon's digging his fingers into his seat I don't think we're gonna have a very calm ride home."

"It's never that easy, is it?" Jake asked, sighing as he crossed his arms over his chest and leaned into his seat. "What's our move once we're back to base?"

"We lay low for a while. Our bosses are gonna notice we were missing for a little, despite not being that terribly long. Jill will..." Chris trailed and looked at her longingly. "She'll return to the workforce in my squad."

"Now you think I'm strong enough to come back?"

"Heh, always felt it. But I let my fear of getting you killed get the better of me and I'm not gonna let that happen again." He looked down at his lap before they felt the aircraft wobble in the air. "That's the worst turbulence I've ever felt..." They all nodded with agreement and glanced around themselves as the aircraft wobbled more before they landed in a not so safe way. The helicopter had landed straight into a giant forest filled with trees, causing the group to be launched from their seats and slamming into walls around them.

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